Sunday, April 4, 2021

Let's Talk About Mental Health

Happy Easter! I know it's been a while since my last blog post (which was last February). The pandemic just reached its one year mark last month and after a few months of breather for our healthcare workers, we're back to square one while other countries are living as normal and I mean normal without the need to wear face mask whenever they go out let alone a face shield. It's sad that our country's mortality rate has gone up and the number of Covid cases even doubled compared last year so how are we supposed to recover from this? 

My appeal to everyone, since looking at the situation right now, this pandemic is far from over (even if we already have covid vaccines available in our country) let's continue being vigilant in fighting the virus by observing proper health protocols at all times and please stay at home for as much as possible especially if you're job does not require you to go to the office. If you have means, use delivery apps and online banking/wire money transfers to your convenience. In this way, you are helping food delivery/errand riders provide for their families. They are risking their safety as well to make both ends meet and connect people to practically everything that they need. 

And, if you are one of those who have been vaccinated, I think, to be on the safe side, to go on quarantine because I heard and read from the news that there have been quite a number of people who never had covid-19 suddenly becomes positive after being vaccinated. I know it's not scientifically proven but it's a fact. I also learned that these vaccines have covid bacteria in them because how is a vaccine supposed to fight something if it does not have a single component of the virus. It's like opposite poles attract and same poles repel to simply put right? Which means how can the covid vaccine fight covid if it doesn't have a part of it to repel the virus. According to experts, they are not live bacteria, still, covid bacteria is covid bacteria or something like that in my understanding. And, to have immunity against the virus, it's either you have contracted the virus once or you already have covid vaccine in your system. Alright, 'nuff said. 

Anyhow, I don't want to delve too much on pessimism on an Easter Sunday such as today because there are so many things that are way beyond our control except strictly adhering to safety health protocols. Economically, we rely on the government since the movement of all sectors relies in them. I know a lot have already suffered from 'cabin fever syndrome' since last year, but, let's bear in mind that some have already gone to the beach and traveled out of town during the past months therefore, with the again resurgence of covid cases, things have gotten somewhat normal somehow except nothing was ever normal again from the get go. Moving on, so, how do we take care of our mental health then? (In random order).