Wednesday, January 30, 2013

ebooks and stuff

i just finished reading the infamous novel by john green 'the fault in our stars.' all i can say is..t'was rueful. the book was about gus waters and hazel's love story amidst having cancer.

the two met at this cancer support group which aims to help kids dealing with the illness. hazel happened to be attending the group on a regular basis while gus just recently joined in. gus told hazel that he was a cancer survivor but his leg was amputated as a result of his battle. hazel and gus fell in love to make the long story short. the two travelled to amsterdam to meet the writer of the book hazel fell in love with and was too squeamish to know what concludes the book. van houten was a total disappointment but in the long run hazel learned the reason for his pessimism.

the sad thing was, gus eventually died because his cancer went from bad to worst leaving hazel grieving.

during gus' wake hazel learned that van houten's daughter died thus explains his bitterness. the writer attended gus' funeral. hazel eventually forgave the van houten and moved on. hazel found a letter written by gus to van houten. he wrote that hazel is a hero.

the end.

to be honest, i didn't really like it because maybe am just not a fan of books with tragic endings. but, other than that it was a nice read as it opens your mind to a whole lot of things about life and living.

the book made me think how precious life is and some people are just lucky to be alive while some are yearning to live longer but they can't.

Friday, January 25, 2013

sucking the marrow out of life

before i got myself busy,
had a dose first of Italian
white hat yogurt!
It's been a while since i wrote something cuz I was pretty busy with tons of stuff: reading e-books one after another..after another..after another...feeling like this energizer bunny ad on tv, work, instagram yadda yadda.

it's been really cold where i live lately. it's true, the first quarter of the year gets even more colder than usual. sometimes, it would come to the point i get nosebleeds. i know it's not severe though, but t it gets really scary at times because i'm from down south all my life so my body is kind of accustomed to living in humid to way hot temperatures yet never had nosebleeds? well, i guess, somehow my body is made for the heat but not that much for the cold!

i've been busy with e-books by john green i kind of rummaged online. i'm currently reading 'the fault in our stars' then i'll move on to the next 'will grayson.' i'm kind of reaaally itching to book hop but i don't want to cuz that'll ruin my being faithful to one book. that'll make me sad. i don't wanna book hop like i job hop ha ha!

i'm so happy that my sister and i just got our orders through e-bay today and i'm sooo thrilled to see some new stuff!

my song of the day --- monsters by band of horses ;)

i hope you have a great day like i's freakin' payday and i lahvet. i'm considering having false eyelashes...maybe one of these days.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 - Year of the Water Snake!

first of, happy new year! it's 2013, another year has gone by sooo quick! hoping for a peaceful and joyous year. wow, time flies as usual. i'm getting even more older geesh haha!

anyways, my sister and i spent our New year's eve here in our flat 'cuz by jinx i need to come to work new year's day! my twin sister or should i say 'twinnie' bought home some fried chicken bucket and spaghetti for media noche. this is how filipinos celebrate NYE as we call it: eating, drinking, partying, family reunions an so on and so forth.

i spent my pre NYE in my parents house last December 26-30th. my brother from down south paid a visit and made chicken macaroni for us. twinnie and i by the way decided to include one of tea house's tasteful cake called yema caramel and yup t'was good. we trust tea house when it comes to delicious cakes 'cuz pretty much they're the best here upnorth.

it took us almost a week to finally consume all the leftovers from NYE. it's such a festive season! but then, ill go back to my usual routine after all this gastronomic feasts--DIET!

just an excerpt:

Welcome to Year of the Water Snake! Snake is the Yin to last year's Dragon Yang. That said, Snake does not settle for mediocrity, either. We're likely to see significant developments in the area of science and technology this year. Research and development are apt to flourish. This is a Water year as well, the element most closely associated with education and research, making 2013 a very special year for scientists and scholars. Snake is a great sign, a positive one, with energy that can help us face all of the challenges ahead of us. Let's take advantage of this vibrant influence to improve our lives -- and our world!

Once again...have a blessed one! :)