I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Thursday, August 4, 2011

the short second life of bree tanner : an eclipse novel

i finished reading the short second life of bree tanner last night and as promised i will write about the book once i'm done. the short second life of bree tanner is a novel written for eclipse with bree tanner talking. it's kinda like midnight sun which was written from edward's point of view. the book eventually put bree tanner in the limelight , after she was transformed into a newborn. she was acquainted with diego, who was quick to learn that they look like a disco ball once placed under the rays of the sun and that they will not turn into ashes like what riley instilled in their minds onset. diego also discovered that a stake in the heart won't kill them because they're as hard as a stone like what myths say about vampires and that they don't have the capacity to sleep thus a coffin won't be necessary. diego was turned into a newborn when he was eighteen while bree when she was about to turn sixteen. the two became good friends and they both found out that riley created the newborns to fight the 'yellow-eyes' (pertaining to the cullens) and the kids don't even know what's the real purpose behind it. diego left riley's coven before the training and was supposed to go on surveillance yet never returned. bree was con into believing that diego will meet them. on the other hand, fred,  riley's must trusted newborn, left the group right before the attack ensued since he's already pretty much aware they will lose whatever battle riley is up to. fred advised bree to meet him up in vancouver and if she will not arrive in an hour he will leave. the two made an agreement although bree still got diego in mind--she thought about tagging diego along once they see each other. in the book it appeared that bree's love interest was diego. bree was allergic to touch until he met diego and realized in her vampire form that touching feels good and if she had known that when she was still human she could've not avoided such physical contact. i guess you really need to be odd to qualify as a vampire eh? to make the long story short, bree surrendered. bree was caught by carlisle and was about to be killed but she begged not to since she doesn't want to fight and unaware of their purpose neither. carlisle decided not to kill bree to jasper's dismay because such action will endanger them once the volturi finds out. bree told the volturi that they were sent by riley and victoria. 

as mentioned in eclipse, no matter how hard the cullens tried for the volturi to spare bree's life they've already made a decision. carlisle even quoted that in seattle anyone could create a newborn but in forks such rule only applies provided the newborn is able to practice self-control. bree learned that the red-haired guy is a mind reader (as riley once advised) and happened to be edward so she decided to pre select some of the details she provided to jane and the rest for edward to read through her thoughts. bree left for edward to read to not hurt fred in case they encounter him. bree prepared for her death since she realized that diego was killed by victoria even before the attack began and that they were fooled and betrayed by riley from the start. edward whispered to bree 'don't watch.' bree combusted. the end. i was just wondering how come stephanie chose to write about bree instead of riley.
+ - +

moving on, my sister and i bought this nail clipper yesterday for our dog fiona. 


Noli Araral said...

hi, where did you get the nail clipper? mall? online? thanks :)

Phinn said...

any petshops, usually SM :)

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