I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

why does it always rain on me?

(photo courtesy of pinterest)
I'm a recovering Hyperthyroid patient. I can say that my RAI went well because I feel ok after roughly four months until a couple of weeks ago i was rushed to the ER after experiencing extreme hyperacidity that won't go away inspite of taking mepracid and maalox. 

It was my rest day from work thank God and I have been feeling quite ill since morning of that same day. I went to my follow up check up with my endoc that morning and heard a good news that my FT4 level is now normal but not my TSH (just google it) yet but it's ok as it takes a while for TSH to normalize and that we'll wait and see until September which would be sixth month post RAI. I took the antacid that morning and even blamed the coffee for my hyperacidity. I was ok after that and felt the hunger pang as it's lunchtime. 

My sister and I bought some high on carb lunchies to go at the flat. All was well until my check up with my endoc that late in the aftie I started feeling uncomfortable again. I felt chills and the hyperacidity is starting to kick in again. After my check up with the endoc I asked my sister to go home cuz I wanna rest because I was extremely tired for the day. We got home, I felt nauseous and started vomitting.  I shrugged it off and pushed myself to sleep for as much as i could as it's almost nightime. I took another antacid but to no avail the burning feeling underneath my rib cage did not dissipate at all so that's when I asked for my eldest sister to rush me to the hospital and that was around eight past in the evening.

Our house is 13 kilometers from downtown where the hospitals are. My twinnie and I are renting a flat downtown and stay there during our work week and go home to our family abode (which is 13km away from downtown) during our rest days so just imagine how uncomfortable I felt all through out the trip. My eldest sister shrunk the usual 30 minute drive to 10-15minutes. It was a gruelling and longest 15 minutes of my life god.

All went well, I asked my sister to rush me to the ER. I was asked to drink this medicine, an injection for my pancreas which was oh my prickly painful, medicines were prescribed as expected and lastly an ultrasound to see if it might have gallstones causing the uncomfortable burning feeling in my stomach and of course the vomitting. My eldest sissy already went through open surgery and had her gall bladder removed because of one quite big gallstone years back so she insisted that I take the ultrasound ASAP. 

I sure did not more than two days after and hell yeah they found a 1.6cm or 1.4cm gallstone (depending on the machine used as I asked for a second ultrasound just to make sure) to my dismay. 

I mean yeah right? that I even attributed it to my former condition hyperthyroidism. I started reading and researching but it all boiled down to one thing, an operation is required although it's my discretion whether I want it or not but the risk is still there to remove my gall bladder. I'm kind of sad because I don't wanna lose anything in my body except to lose weight but I guess there's not much of a choice and I'm just thankful to God that I knew it before it gets worst as in my sister's case. I just hate to be dissected geeez. 

As a precautionary measure and to avoid furthermore gallstone attacks/episodes I already asked for my doctor to schedule me for an operation called Laparoscopic Cholesystectomy or simply called as Lap Chole ASAP before it gets worse. The thing is Lap Chole can be suddenly switched to Open surgery if it will not work for me during the operation which hopefully not and am crossing my fingers. 

My only consolation is I have all the health insurance that I need. I mean what if I'm meager and do not have access to healthcare? I still consider myself lucky althought at times I ask myself 'why does it always rain on me?'

I guess my sudden weight loss might've been the culprit brought about my hyperthyroidism although I was told by the Sonologist (the doctor who performs ultrasound) that my gallstone might've been 10 years old although at the back of my mind whatt??? ten years old?? I guess it might've gotten bigger as time went on. I might've switched to living healthy three years ago but I guess it's pretty late already. Anyways, nevertheless, I'm hoping to be well, free from all health constraints.

Live healthy, avoid fast foods for as much as possible, eat foods that are high on fiber and not unhealthy fats. Bombard yourself with green and leafy vegetables and eat lotsa lotsa fruits. Dieting and eating healthy can be costly but it's even more costly getting sicko uh oh. Just remember when you get old..it's payback time so eat healthy while you are young. Just a friendly advise. 


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