I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thai Horror Flicks Galore

Like I always say, I love Asian horror movies most especially the Thai ones because they’re eccentric. It’s been a long while since I last downloaded horror movies so as soon as we got our postpaid internet service installed I researched for tons of Asian horror flicks right away, I must have missed a lot and yes I did eventually. 

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Laddaland (2011)

  • Thee - Head of the family
  • Parn - Thee’s wife
  • Nan - stubborn teenage daughter of Thee and Parn
  • Nat - the youngest son of Thee and Parn

The movie started with Thee decorating their new home in Chiang Mai inside this village called Laddaland. The house was a mortgage since Thee’s family originally moved from Bangkok. His wife and two kids, Nan and Nat lived and grew up at their grandmother’s house (Parn’s mother) since Thee, the Dad does not have the means to financially sustain his family in the beginning. Thee landed a job at this networking company thus was able to afford a mortgage. Nan, their teenage daughter wasn’t happy with the move to Chiang Mai since she and Nat grew up with their well off grandmother in Bangkok. She was stubborn and rebellious towards Thee. 

Strange things started happening in Laddaland since their move. A neighbor was brutally murdered, face disfigured and body kept in a fridge. One day, Nan and friends barged in at the said neighbor’s house just for kicks. Nan saw a ghost inside the house but when he told his father, Thee, he did not believe her thus scolded her for coming home late. The gap between Nan and Thee grew deeper so Parn decided to send Nan to her friend’s house instead of sending her to her grandma’s so as not to make the matter worse. 

Things has gotten out of hand when their next door neighbor murdered his family and Nan saw their ghost. Nan was hysterical afterwards so Parn told Thee if he can’t leave their house they will. Whilst Parn is at the hospital, Thee and Nat were left at home. Nat went out of the house for some reason and went to their next door neighbor’s house (the ones who were murdered). Thee went after Nat and all hell broke loose, Thee saw all the ghosts of murdered victims and murderer thought he could kill the undead fired a shot at the closet where Nat was hiding. Nat was shot, Parn came in on time, Thee thought he killed his own son shot himself.

Parn, after Thee’s death left Laddaland with her kids, Nan and Nat. She explained that Thee wasn’t a bad father to them. Parn told Nan that she got pregnant with her whilst in Junior College, thought of having her aborted but Thee stood up and asked for her hand in marriage no matter how her mother disapproves him. 

The End.

It was a lengthy movie but it there was never any dull moment watching it as it was suspense filled and the turn of events were quite unexpected. It’s still a must watch. Hey I did not include all the details about the movie so go figure what happened to the rest of the story.

One thing though, I just don't know what's with the movie poster. I t looks more like a 'theme park' poster to me than a horror movie poster. What the???

Last Summer (2013)
(Rue Doo Ron Nan Chan Tai)

This movie is kinda like divided into three Chapters. It’s like a sneak peek at some of the major characters’ lives, their side of the story sort of. It was a little lengthy as well but I assure you the movie’s entirety is  worth watching. Let me start with the first story.

  • Singa - Joy’s boyfriend
  • Joy - a famous teenage celebrity, Meen’s friend
  • Meen - Joy’s best friend, got a crush on Singa
  • Garn - Singa’s friend
  • Ting - Joy’s brother

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Singa saw Joy’s status on Facebook that reads ‘I want to die’ so he sent her a message and asked if she wants to go to the beach with him hoping to cheer her up. Joy tagged her friend Meen along whilst Singa, his friend Garn. They headed off to Singa’s beach house and stole his Dad’s car. 

The group had a drink and Joy passed out. Singa drugged Joy so he could take advantage of her whilst she’s unconscious. Suddenly, Joy started having seizures which scared Singa, Garn and Meen to their wits. Meen said Joy is having an allergic reaction towards something and later on learned that Singa drugged Joy. Meen was left with Joy and she tried to rummage Joy’s bag for medicine. When Singa and Garn came back, Meen said Joy’s dead. Singa panicked and instead of reporting the incident to the police, decided to conceal Joys body instead thinking what might have become since Joy is a famous celebrity. Meen, on the other hand, was prevented by Singa and Garn to report to the authorities, no matter how scared and bothered by her conscience.

Singa put Joy’s body inside a suitcase, threw it on a cliff, no good so he just decided to bury her. Singa now being haunted by Joy’s vengeful ghost turned paranoid and accidentally killed his friend Garn. Meen saw Singa combusting when she came back with the police force to tell them where Joy’s body is.

End of Singa’s story. This time around the limelight focused on Meen’s story, being Joys best friend and schoolmate. 

Meen thinks Joy is her biggest competitor, Joy never thought of Meen that way though since she considers her, her best friend. I was surprised why Joy haunted Meen but later on it was divulged in the movie that Meen technically killed Joy. Meen and Joy are competing for some sort of a scholarship. Joy told Meen, even if she gets picked, she will concede and give away to Meen. Let’s rewind back to the beach house,  whilst Joy is having a seizure, Meen accidentally read Joy’s messages and found that Joy bagged the scholarship. Meen, consumed by jealously, purposely left Joy to die, she ceased looking for Joy's medicine so she gets the scholarship. Joy got the revenge that she wanted in the end because Meen fell off the building during the awarding ceremony. 

Ting, Joy’s brother saw the incident and this time around the story focused on Ting’s little life story. He thought that their mother care less about him and loves Joy more. Joy on the other hand thought that their mom is too hard on her. One day whilst Joy is talking to Singa over video messaging, Tinga recorded a video of Joy stripping for Singa. This infuriated their mom thus refused to talk to Joy since. Joy haunted Ting as well until their mother found that Ting made the video to smear his sister’s reputation. Ting lived though since it appeared that Joy might’ve forgiven her brother after all.

Last but not least, Joy’s story. 

I found out that Meen likes Singa. Even if Singa and Joy are already together, Joy did not tell Meen so her feelings won’t get hurt. Joy has a good heart and she’s willing to make way for Meen’s dreams to come through even if sacrificing her own. I think she eventually turned into a hungry ghost because she felt neglected even before her death thus explains why she was a vengeful spirit. 

Again, Last Summer is a lengthy flick but what the heck I’ll watch it again I guess because the storyline wasn’t so bad after all.

Last but not least, another movie directed by the same person who gave us Laddaland, The Swimmers.

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The Swimmers (2014)
(Fak Wai Nai Kai Ther)

  • Perth - Tan’s friend
  • Tan - Perth’s friend and biggest competition
  • Ice - Tan’s girlfriend

The movie opened morbidly with Ice jumping off the pool, obviously it’s a case of suicide but it wasn’t and it was revealed later on what caused her mysterious demise.

Perth and Tan are practising for the University Swimming competition. Tan introduced Ice, his girlfriend to his best buddy Perth. The later is already attracted to Ice the first time they were introduced and by the look of it it was mutual. 

Tan, I think has better chance in the swimming competition which is why he’s often busy thus seldom had a time for Ice. Tan promised to teach Ice how to swim but in his frequent absence Perth took advantage and offered to teach Ice how to swim instead.

Ice broke up with Tan over Perth. It was a love triangle in short. Perth got Ice pregnant and being a total prick that he was refused to shoulder his responsibility. It was good though that he declined Ice’s plan of abortion, what’s not good was he abandoned Ice alone in the middle of things. Then, news circulated, Ice committed suicide by jumping off an empty pool. geez. 

Tan was devastated of course not just because of Ice’s suicide, he also knew that she was pregnant but was left behind by whoever is the father of the child. Now Tan’s on a hunt to find the guy responsible for her pregnancy. 

Perth, now being totally consumed by guilt started feeling he’s being haunted by Ice’s ghost (which he is actually), turned totally paranoid especially after Tan mentioned that he’s hunting the jerk who got Ice pregnant. Perth thought he’s carrying his and Ice’s child because his tummy is getting bigger and he often feel something move. 

Tan was able to login to Ice’s Facebook account and found that Perth was the culprit but Perth was able to delete their conversation after he logged on to Ice’s laptop. Yes, Perth sneaked into Ice’s house and on his way out found Ice’s mom hanging from the doorway, she killed herself as well. I don’t know why they resort to suicide all the time?? 

Anyways,  moving on, Perth was found to have Hepa B thus explains his bulging tummy. Tan kidnapped Perth from the hospital to kill him by drowning. Unfortunately, Perth is just so effin invincible no matter how weak he was, killed Tan by suffocating him underwater. In the end, Perth survived, won first place in the swimming competition. However, Ice seemed will be haunting him for good.

OK, I found out before the movie finished that, Ice DID NOT commit suicide, she accidentally hit her head on a metal object whilst having an argument with Perth which caused her untimely death. She was breaking up with Perth when the accident happened and told him that he will go back to Tan. Perth, scared, decided to make Ice’s death appear as suicide. It was also revealed that Ice's abortion money came from Tan and that she also had a miscarriage. Perth bury the fetus in the bushes. 

I don’t know why Thai horror movies has turned pretty lengthy nowadays compared before. Nevertheless, the thrilling twists and enigma with their horror movies has gotten better overtime. 


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