I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Ananda Marga

photos 1-3: diy mini succulent garden; coffee table 
arrangement by yours truly Pinterest inspired; 
my latest diy macramé wall hanging decor made 
with cotton ropes. 
I love decorating spaces, it's such an enjoyable and greatly satisfying past time.   I really don't know why I did not take interior design for my college degree because I enjoy decorating houses more than anything. I practically DIY'd (if ever such word exist) pretty much everything inside our house. I just find re-arranging fixtures and creating home decors such a good de-stressing activity which requires minimal effort, cost and time. I think a space which allows its inhabitant to breathe is healthy for the body, mind and soul.

~Home Improvement.
Open and uncluttered home space is such a perfect nook for reading, eating and helps free the mind from negativism which is often achieved once indulged in de-stressing activities such as Yoga, Aroma Therapy etc. Point being, keeping things in such an orderly fashion can be good for the health, it helps us veer away from obstructions like some dark cloud looming above your head if you know what I mean.😬

~Healthy Body, Healthy Mind.
photos 1-3: enjoying my green tea & cat mug my
sissy bought from ebay; paleo pancake made
 from banana, eggs & rolled oats; rolled oats 
with soy milk, topped with banana, apple, kiwi
 & blueberry syrup (and oh my fave green
 tea with a generous squeeze of lemon!)
My sister conned me into healthy living back in 2010. That same year when fitness and healthy living is fast becoming a trend. Gym memberships and less carb/ high on fiber food sold like hot pancakes (the spawn of oatmeal bars, non-fat milk, wheat bread etc.),  people began counting their caloric intake in every food they eat (guilty as charged 😂). Been there, done that so we made our choice to never go back to that careless eating habit of ours moving forward.  I remember those days when my sister and I cocooned in a cramped up apartment which we gradually filled with stuff bought out of want and not need until we no longer have enough room to even move around. Our eating habits back then were also effing wayward. We suit ourselves with unhealthy takeaways (by choice) for dinner pretty much everyday when we come home from work until we just decided to stop due to weight issues, started boxing, coupled working out with healthy home-cooked meals. It was repulsive and depressing at first getting rid of junk food, but, you'll come around in your own time. Renouncing junk food in your life at first maybe as difficult as quitting smoking not that I ever tried smoking lol. I still eat cake, pizza, chips, fast food and takeaways once in a blue moon although in moderation unlike before (because both my sister and I already reaped what we sow from our unhealthy lifestyle years later). We both had our share of health constraints which led to months of hospitalization and leave of absence from work so I sure am never gonna go back down that road again.

Anyways, as an end note,  in relation to decluttering, open space invites harmony and bliss. The parallelism here applies to the toxins lurking in the food that we eat as clutter, the chemicals in them affects our mood and thinking, these toxins obscures the good stuff. Therefore, it's never too late to de-clutter your space, your body, your life per se. 


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