I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Monday, August 1, 2022


Source: Reuters

 I'm not going to lie; I am utterly disappointed with the outcome of the recent election, and my dismay is to the roof that I quit watching the evening news because I was heartbroken at how things ended. I know it's been roughly a couple of months since our newly "elected" officials took their oath, but still, I cannot believe how the number of "digital voters" seems to be higher than our population, and that even my dad, who braved the streets during the EDSA Revolt '86, cannot wrap his head around what is happening to our country. 

I cannot believe that the previous administration totally paved the way for the most corrupt family to come back and rule the land, disregarding their very bad track record, not to mention the number of people who died during Martial Law. Don't tell me what happened in the past was a lie because that's what journalists are for—to expose the truth; otherwise, it'll be libelous to assume and speak of "rumors" in journalism. That's why there is a job for that and not just assign someone like a Youtube vlogger to scuffle in Malacaang before the press does, because responsible journalism and history aren't made by gossip mongers. 

Anyways, moving on before I flare up, maybe the reason why our President and his VP never took part in any debates is because they assumed a "sure win" through measures we don't know how to implement despite the strong resolve of those deserving and highly qualified candidates (who aim to alleviate the crisis our country has been facing since God knows how long) who laid out their platforms and plans for the country. All I can say is that money definitely played a cosmic role in this whole ploy to take over our democracy, which our parents fought for against those who relinquished and left our national funds dry and our country wallowing in the abyss of debt. Again, these are not rumors, and so are the number of extrajudicial killings during martial law and the number of properties bought by the Marcoses in New York while our country is being fed with Nutribuns from USAID during the dark regime to combat national hunger, which again the Marcoses took credit for, like how our current president in one of his speeches stole credit for the Bangui Wind Farm in Ilocos Norte, which is really a project of the Northwind Power Development Corporation. 

My point is, with our country already wallowing in insurmountable debt, we cannot afford corrupt rulers who will just rub salt in an open wound in such a poverty-stricken country as ours. The divide here isn't about which side of the fence you are on; the big question is, who will serve our country without vested interests? How can we trust a ruler and his cohorts who barely allow opposition in their administration? Is our current administration going to be transparent to the Filipino people? Then why abolish the Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission first and foremost? If a leader does this first over every national issue that needs tending, I would suspect big time from the get-go that such a head of state refuses to be checked for corruption by everyone else unless birds of the same feather flock together, and that's why. 

Although it's not really rocket science considering how nepotism and it's-who-you-know are playing out these days when it comes to assigning someone in his cabinet and his "friends" as heads of various government agencies, I think our current administration is a joke that, as a leader, he can just assign himself as head of the Department of Agriculture, and his vice president can just assign herself as head of the Department of Education, just because they want and they can. How will other countries treat us seriously, then? I hate to admit it, but our country is a laughing stock at the moment because the whole world knows the truth, and sadly, we also know it, but the majority are turning a blind eye for reasons that will never benefit them or their posterity. 

Moving on, while our current administration is busy making a film revising history and the cost of goods and gasoline are also skyrocketing left and right, I highly feel our government is unfazed because their concern is to "clear their family's name." The Martial Law regime was never the "Golden Age" in Philippine politics because a lot of our countrymen suffered and were brutally persecuted for speaking the truth while our nation wallowed in poverty while the then first lady was busy holding and hosting events (from taxpayer money) and demanded to rush the construction of the Manila Film Center, which explains why it collapsed in the process while the poor workers instead of being exhumed from the rubbles were buried alive for the construction to push through in time for the hosting of the International Film Festival in 1981 because Imelda Marcos wants our country to outshine Cannes. Is it a rumor? No, it's in the archives.

Now, if you're also one of the many who is currently being gaslighted by this whole "Martial Law Golden Age" black magic, as per wiki, "historians believe that the Marcos dictatorship was marked by 3,257 known extrajudicial killings, 35,000 documented tortures, 77 "disappeared," and 70,000 incarcerations." Some 2,520 of the 3,257 murder victims were tortured and mutilated before their bodies were dumped in various places for the public to discover. Now, if you still believe that blatant corruption, murders, and torture aren't criminal, well, I hope you can sleep well at night.

As of the moment, my hopes for this country are dwindling because I feel like the aftermath of the recent election is becoming more of a time for retribution in a violent form, thus violence begets violence because the allies of the current administration feel that someone got their backs. So are you the type who will condone violence and the use of public funds while the vast majority of Filipinos barely make ends meet?

Truly, the fight these days is between the army of trolls paid to spread lies and deceit against those who truly fought, were tortured and murdered during Martial Law alongside their surviving families, and those who believe in justice and truth and stood against the oppressors. Let's pray for the Philippines and hope for the best that the darkest side of our history does not repeat itself ever again. 


Manila Film Center Tragedy

Victims of Martial Law

2022 Philippine Election

Marcoses New York Properties Amidst Martial Law