I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Saturday, March 21, 2009

weekend bluezZz 2

nothing feels like weekend. i'm home to my parents house and my mother just recently adopted two kittens! a neighbor gave them to her instead of leaving them somewhere. we have not come up with names for them yet but i think they're still looking for their momma...poor kits (as in kids for kittens). since we have three little dogs in the house, to avoid mayhem, the two fellas now lives in this little room in the house which used to be the stockroom. but hey, they have their own sink there since that room has spare sink and t&b. my mom just left a rug for their makeshift bed. today, my sister and i gave them their first bath since they stink big time man! we shampooed them and covered them with an old towel first then allowed them to air dry lol. they were shivering but what the heck it's summer anyways, they're gonna love it later on i bet. i love time away from work. it's such a different world outside the confides of the office. i miss the greeneries and the silence. 

sound trippin'

i tried rummaging through our old cd collection and right now our wmp is playing Paramita's 'Tala' album which my sister bought way back december of 2005. My ears missed their music. Music will just take you years back.


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