I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Saturday, January 16, 2010

nothing is constant...

my elder sister who's now 32 will undergo her first major operation to rid off her now enlarged gall bladder. upon research i found that, the gall bladder is an organ the human body can live without because it's role is to merely digest fats. any operation concerns me because anything could go wrong. my sister is someone who's very sensitive to pain, she even hates to be tickled. she's been the sickly type since childhood and she had two typhoid fevers when she was a child, an ulcer, ear problem, to name a few. i'm just upset because the doctors who diagnosed her failed short hadn't for the last one who suggested she go for an ultrasound. my sister's been enduring excruciating abdominal pains, hard core pain relievers were prescribed but to no avail until the recent ultrasound showed  the need for an urgent operation due to her now inflamed gall bladder. her gall bladder is now double the size of a normal gall bladder thus must be operated a.s.a.p.
the operation was scheduled tomorrow at 8am and i'm crossing my fingers, hopefully all goes well because it'll be an open cholecystectomy.


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