I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Saturday, January 23, 2010

the weekend, etc...

It's my rest day finally. the week seemed so long (sigh) and my early morning schedule is killing me. i hate waking up early in the morning whilst it's still dark outside. the morning sunshine wake me up.

anyways, moving on, it's my 4th boxing session and i'm really hesitant all the time because i'm too lazy to get up. but, after boxing, my apprehension often wane out. it's really good for the body to work out and sweat a lot as it means you're releasing toxins, burn some those calories away. the last time i stepped on the weighing scale i lost 3 kilos. On a normal basis, i weigh 60 kilos, i kind of doubt it but if that's what the weighing scale says then, well and good. i like boxing on a saturday. early saturday morning around 8-8:30 am because i don't tire easily for some reason as oppose to boxing late like around 10 am onwards since the heat of the sun is still not that scorching and after my boxing session (i get home at 10 am) i still get to do a lot of household chores.  enough about my boxing routine. 

change topic. this whole jason ivler case created a fuss lately. the guy is from a family of celebrities and he's got an unbelievable involvement with murder cases. The first is with a malacanang undersecretary (or might be a son of an undersecretary, i'm not quite sure) due to traffic altercations and i can't recall the second murder rap against him. the worst part is, all of his kins (of course) thinks he's innocent and he's such a good natured boy. two murder cases isn't a coincidence. i just can't believe how a mother could lead her child more astray than correct his wrong doings. Maybe it's guilt for not raising a law abiding child. i hope justice will prevail and not become favourable to affluent people. 


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