I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Friday, April 22, 2011


Today is good friday and in the Philippines, the holy week is widely observed since the country is predominantly catholic. here in SG, i don't think they observe it as much as we do i guess it's because most of them are Buddhist. it doesn't make any difference really whether it's holy week or not here. it's always quiet and places are barely filled with people (except the train stations). i'm freakin' bored and i've been yearning to go home. a lot of things happened since we left home; our oldest dog harriet recently passed away which was the saddest news we've heard since we lived here in SG. i know we could've expected that since she's really old and was 77years old in dog years/11 in human years.  life is a serious of moving on. we've lost many pets in the past due to old age. 

our little tribute to our dear Harriet.


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