I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Warm Bodies

My sister recommended this flick 'warm bodies' cuz she saw it once on hbo a year ago. She's been raving about it so we checked out this local video store not so hoping they have it. We decided to rummage through their dvd racks ourselves until we gave up after a few minutes just to find that they arrange their titles alphabetically geez. This is what torrent did to us, we became ignorant with how video shops arrange their titles and everything.

To our delight we paired it up with 'perks of being a wallflower' which happened to be a sober combination. So, let me share my movie experience with these two flicks.

• Warm Bodies (2013, Suspense/Love story) •

This is an eccentric love story and I wasn't aware at first that it was a movie adaptation of another book as the bookworm world has been consumed by books about vampires ala bella and edward.

Moving on, the story started out with R's narration (like a spoken journal), he's sharing his silent thoughts about his boring life since he became a zombie. He no longer remember his name and only recalls that it starts with the letter 'R,' barely able to speak or verbalize anything but he still thinks partly human except that he is now being ruled by his zombie body thus survive by feeding on humans.

R particularly love to eat human brains because he gets flashbacks or memories from the brains of those people he munches on and feel how it is to be human again. He live on an airbus at the airport since the zombie apocalypse thing consumed the world.

Julie and her zombie slayer team was sent out on a task by his dad to get medical supplies from abandoned pharmacies then encountered R and his fellow zombies. R fell in love at first sight upon seeing Julie and oh it was a morbid sight to behold because R ate Julie's boyfriend's brain which even intensified R's infatuation with Julie after seeing Julie and her now dead boyfriend's memories together.

R saved Julie in short from the rest of the zombies by wiping her face with blood so her scent won't cause frenzy among his zombie family.

Julie was suspicious at first but R said that he will release her until it's safe. Julie attempted to escape R's abandoned airplane home but he saved Julie again from a near death by zombie experience. Julie was fascinated by R's collection of LPs as he plays them every time because R seemed a music lover during his human life. Julie learned about the Boneys, the ruthless form of zombies, all skeleton and eats just about anything with a heartbeat.

The two became friends until R decided to free Julie by showing her this awesome yet abandoned sports car which they later on used as a getaway vehicle. M, R's best friend commanded R at first to eat Julie but he refused. The boneys saw Julie and started chasing R and Julie. M, later on helped the two escape from the Boneys. After reaching their destination they saw another flock of zombies but after they saw the two hold hands like lovers they eventually dispersed and let the two walk away. M asked his fellow zombies if they can feel a heartbeat and they said they do.
Julie drove under the the rain and tagged R along. Drenched with rain Julie decided to stop at her family home which now seemed like a ghost town. She took her photo using her polaroid camera and later on R's picture as well. That night R confessed that he killed Julie's bf and eventually gave her his now dead bf's wristwatch which he took because he liked it initially. Julie cried herself to sleep and when R woke up Julie deserted him. He was heartbroken.

Julie got back to her camp with fellow human and admitted to Nora, her friend that he misses R. On the other hand, R looked for Julie, found her to warn that the Boneys will be invading the human enclave. Nora put on some make up on R so he could penetrate the human enclave unnoticed but it was too late the Boneys already found the humans. The now getting cured zombies fought the Boneys alongside the humans and eventually won.
During the escape from the Boneys R and Julie jumped off the building towards the pool. The two survived and Julie noticed the significant change in R physically as his eye color changed and so as his skin until Julie's dad's army shot R. He started bleeding so Julie said R is no longer a zombie. The humans found that the zombies are curing themselves thus took them to the camp.

Julie and R's love story remained.
I love this movie cuz it's not your ordinary zombie apocalypse movie since it's a love story plus the awesome OST. They played quite a few nostalgic songs such as 'Patience' by Guns n' Roses which took me back down memory lane as it was a popular guitar piece when I was in high school and of course 'Missing You' by John Waite, another all time fave of mine.

I think, apart from the nice movie plot, carefully picked tracks for the OST matters so much as it adds appeal to the flick itself thus makes the movie close to your heart and the tendency is you remember it the more because of the songs you heard from it.

Seriously, 'Warm Bodies' rock. Not your ordinary cheesy love story out there hehe. I mean not your mediocre zombie flick out there.

Because I so love the movie OST i personally scoured the net about it and this is what I came up with..

Warm Bodies OST

1. Sitting In Limbo – Jimmy Cliff
2. We Wish You a Merry Christmas – John Robert Foster
3. Missing You – John Waite
4. The Bad In Each Other – Feist
5. Be the Song – Foy Vance6
6. Concerto in A Minor for Flute, Oboe, Strings and Continuo RV 522: Allegro – Symphony Orchestra INSO Lemberg / Gunhard Mattes / Maya Schaufelbühl 
7. Patience – Guns N’ Roses
8.Shell Suite – Chad Valley
9. Hungry Heart – Bruce Springsteen
10. Shelter from the Storm – Bob Dylan
11. Hinnom, TX – Bon Iver
12. Yamaha – Delta Spirit
13. Rock You Like a Hurricane – Scorpions
14. Oh Pretty Woman – Roy Orbison
15. Midnight City – M83
16. Runaway – The National
17. Numbers Don’t Lie – The Mynabirds

source : http://www.twilightnewborns.com/2013/07/warm-bodies-soundtrack-in-order-of-appearance/

• The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Drama) •

Charlie - main characterSam - Charlie's love interestPatrick - Sam's step brother
It's a movie adaptation of the Book by Stephen Chbosky, same title.

Okay, I finished the book and I personally loved it no matter how rueful or tragic it was at first. I'll tell you about the book then later on infuse the movie.

Charlie stopped school after he had psychological problems when he was a child as a result of her Aunt Helen's death one night, it was christmas time. Charlie kept a journal where he write letters to no one and just write I guess to keep him sane.
He went back to school and met the crazy tandem Sam and Patrick whom he thought were dating but happened to be step brother and sister. The two love parties and invited Charlie over to this one party they throw. Charlie was given a 'space cake' which he thought was just a regular brownie. He was then like on a trance after saying things that's unlikely of the quiet Charlie. Sam and Patrick found out,Sam decided to make a milkshake for Charlie to dust off the effect of the druggie brownie.

Charlie saw Brad, the football player and Patrick making out but he did not mind and promised to keep it a secret. Patrick is gay in short. Brad and Patrick's relationship is kept confidential.

Sorry if I miss out on other things as I am writing this from memory and read the book long time ago. Charlie became friends with Sam and Patrick's friends as well. The three went to the tunnel on their way home as the music entitled 'Heroes' played on the radio. I first heard about the song from this 90's band the Wallflowers. Charlie said 'i feel infinite.'

Sam is older than Charlie but Charlie liked her anyway. Sam is seeing another guy who Charlie feels not a good pick for Sam. The book and movie evolved around their lives and mixed tapes.

Charlie got involved with Mary Elizabeth although he really likes Sam. One night at Sam and Patrick's house whilst playing a game with the group Charlie said she thinks Sam is the prettiest girl in the room. Mary Elizabeth broke up with Charlie.

Sam prepared for college, struggled but passed her SAT thus she got admitted to her choice of University.

Patrick and Brad broke up and Brad was battered by his abusive father. Charlie punched Brad after he called Patrick a faggot.

Sam and Charlie made out and became officially a couple before Sam head off for college to another state. Charlie's depression kicked in again after he was left by himself.

Charlie's parents took him to a mental hospital after he made a phonecall to his sister who's in college.

It's a sad book/movie honestly but Charlie stopped writing and decided to participate in life later on.

photo from my instagram account; mixed tapes
I've read and heard so many nice songs from the book and movie as well but this movie is just sad because depression can be life threatening. I guess writing isn't bad as long as you're surrounded by people you could talk to more often and veer you away from seclusion because interpersonal relationship is very important on people battling against unpleasant memories.

I still suggest you guys read the book because the movie is nothing but another dramatic movie without reading the book. The depth in Charlie's character is entirely in the book which was not explained well in the movie. They did not even delve further on her Aunt Helen's death which made the story quite vague and bordered on another movie about teenage crisis which it wasn't.
Nevertheless, the movie actors were apt for their roles. I can't complain.

I love mixed tapes though and I personally made tons when I was a teenager myself.

posted from Bloggeroid


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