I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A much needed break

"..bonding time with my sissies by eating out at this place
I haven't been or keep on coming back to,
may it be an eccentric resto or fancy one.."
I wanna enjoy my day off from work for as much as possible by either writing a blog whilst listening to acoustic tracks through my Spotify playlist, bonding time with my sissies by eating out at this place I haven't been or keep on coming back to, may it be an eccentric resto or fancy one, go back to that last page of the eBook I left off, watch a favorite movie I've seen over and over again. I just wanna be on a stress free environment and situation, I want my happy hormones up, veer away from dramas.

Oh My Gulay Resto/Art Gallery
 - photo from my instagram account
I am very fickle minded and once faced with stressful situations I sometimes break no matter how strong I am like a song that goes 'even the best falls down sometimes..' called “Collide” by Howie Day. I usually resort to leaving my current job for years to have a change of environment no matter how difficult it is to start over. I snap by telling myself 'I'm done.'

I have been thinking lately of leaving my work and go back down south due to life's simplicity here up north. I am just so used to a fast paced life the rush and all and I find life here so sluggish and moves in such a slow motion. I am driven by money and I wouldn't lie about it and a high paying job that'll pay off the bills.

photo courtesy of google images
Once at work whilst browsing through travel blogs, I came across this bloggie by John Ward, he's a Irish blogger who traveled across 122 or so countries and self confessed he's not even wealthy nor have benefactors to sustain his life the way it is. I envied him at some point because travel is my ultimate dream but how can I? I am busy with my job which is just enough to pay my bills and so little time due to job demands that prohibit me from pursuing my dream. He said that how can you enjoy your retirement money if you're even too old to travel cuz that's the only time YOU'll have time to enjoy-- once you're retired. I thought about it and I agree big time. Why is life like this anyway? If you have money you don't have time and if you have time you don't have money? I just want to have a balance of both but I just don't know how's that possible.

Anyways, moving on, I wan't my life to change hopefully by next year. I just came into this point that things must change and I am the driver, I must steer my own way to change my destiny 'cuz it's obviously not working out for me at this point.

'Nuff of my rants for now.

I wanna keep myself busy for as much as possible and I mean productive-busy. I have been feeling a little better since I started taking my thyroid medication again (on a lower dose) but this time before bedtime although It hasn't completely eradicate the fact that It still makes me sleepy come daytime whilst at work. I guess I just have to endure it than be acutely hypothyroid. My muscle cramps eluded me for days which I don't know for how long.

photo from my instagram account 
To keep me busy I got myself these cord protectors which I bought from this general merchandise store for Php10 a piece and yeah it's kind of enjoyable for as long as your patience has not ran out. I spent some gruelling less than an hour wrapping it around my ipod and mobile phone charger. Whoa It wasn't as easy as it looks once done man but the work pays off once you see how cool it looks afterwards teehee.

One of my other plans is to go back to driving again because it is a necessity and I hate it that I have to rely on my sister all the time. I wanna feel much more indie by driving back again for myself since I stopped doing so when I was still 16 because I hate driving manual cars. I think automatic cars is sure easier compared to driving manual ones which you have to endure muscle pains afterwards because you have to steer the wheel for as much effort as you could.

Well, well.. I need TIME like I said which I do not have lately. A badly needed time to do a lot of travelling and other things for myself.


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