I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Same As It Was

photo courtesy of google images
My body is sore as a side effect of abruptly stop taking my thyroid meds on my own accord. I was just done and over with it at one point because seeing my endocrinologist is so much more difficult than dealing with my muscle cramps. Yes, I know I am now back to being Hypothyroid as a by product of my RAI or thyroid ablation. And yup this will be for life that I have to take medications to balance my hormones. I felt suddenly aghast by it but either way I have no choice because If I won't my heart would be badly damaged due to Hyperthyroidism.

I was on Levothyroxine 50mcg after my Laparoscopic Cholesystectomy for almost a month until I saw my endoc and he increased my dosage to 100mcg and that's when all the problem started kicking in. I started having headaches, feeling disoriented, terribly sleepy, started getting depressed, lost my focus and what have you. So, I stopped taking it after roughly nine days and I felt better seriously until recently that I started gaining weight again, feeling so cold, my muscle cramps came back, same as it was during my hypothyroid days and yeah right it is really tough.

My endoc for over a year now is on one month leave so I needed to find another endoc (which is very rare where I live) to immediately address my muscle cramps/tightness or whatever you call it and I was lucky to find one, an endocrinologist and internist at the same time. I took this blood test covered by my HMO for TSH-FT4 just so my new endoc would have a basis to begin with. It's like I was back to square one, I told him about my operation and RAI and I was transparent about how I felt whilst on Levothyroxine 100mcg and he agreed to reduce it back to 50mcg and advised that whatever makes me feel good would help like take Levo in the evening perhaps to address the puffiness of my face and muscle cramps etc.

I think being an internist helped somehow that he suggested I run some cholesterol check, CBC, Urinalysis to see if all is well and isolate as to why my pulse rate is fast for a hypothyroid patient. He also mentioned that I MAY have a clogged vein connected to my heart after he performed an ECG test on me. I appreciate his honesty seriously and not some bunch of sugar coated words just so as not to scare me off. I mean, I am an adult who deserve to hear what must be heard to fully get me into better shape for real. My new endoc/internist advised my gallstone 'might' go back as a result of weight loss again due to TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) medication.

I do not regret having underwent RAI but I just wish that I find my hormonal balance someday because I feel so sick feeling like being in a pendulum every time. Damn, what can I say? I freakin' need a break from doctors and hospitals man! I am just fervently hoping and praying that my thyroid goes back to normal because this illness hits me hard in the muscles since during my Hyperthyroid days and I ain't happy with it.

posted from Bloggeroid


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