I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Start Over

Four years ago my sister and I moved here up north thinking it would be for good after a long vacation from Singapore. The long vacation eventually helped us figure things out, figure ourselves out. At one point we got tired of the fast paced life in the Metro, the steamy weather and everything else. We quit our high paying jobs down south, left our apartment in the middle of the city. Without any game plan, we just left and abandoned everything we had in the south.

It's been four years, time flies like I always say, life here up north is not as easy as we have imagined. Money is tight yet the work load is heavier. We both came into realization that maybe life here in the cold city isn't for us because we're kind of used to the hustle and bustle in the city, the rush hour cramming and above all being able to afford every tad bit of thing you wanted.
The north could have been haven for vintage finds but it's hard to even afford what you want with very small amount of money you earn. Same work load, provincial rate. Life is unfair sometimes. What can you do but endure when you have nothing to come back to? I was humbled by my experience here in the north, to keep each and every penny because money here doesn't just grow on trees as oppose to down south, you work less and earn more as they value every job experience you've earned. Damn this whole provincial rate shit. They should pass a law to fully erradicate it because it just doesn't make any sense.
I felt like I've wasted all my years because of a poor choice I made in life so I have finally decided to come back home, to where I really came from and just pick up the pieces I left behind. I guess starting a new won't hurt.


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