I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Saturday, November 21, 2015

OC In Me

multi tasking: baking whilst scanning through Brandon's check list.
I always want to keep things organized because my memory no longer serves me right most of the time probably caused by tons of medicines I took during the previous years as well.

I think I may be a little obsessive compulsive because there are times wherein I want my clothes to be color coded especially If I have all the time in the world keeping them in a spic and span order. But, when I'm busy my stuff are a perfect mess. I also love to put labels on things such as cabinets and drawers because of my being forgetful. I love check lists that's why I took this opportunity to make this check list of medicines that our nursing senior dog Brandon is taking to keep tabs of everything he eats, drink, time he took them etc. because there's no room for errors when it comes to taking medicines, I wouldn't like that to happen to me neither. 

I was also able to con the people at home to make use of the checklist I made for Brandon's sake and so far they're doing a great job. I even asked my sissy to buy this clip board for me to hold my check list like what you see in hospitals lol. I feel like a child again role playing as a Doctor or Nurse. I seriously dreamt of becoming a Doctor someday because I thought their job is easy when I was still a kiddo.

Just an update on Brandon's condition: he's eating now although not as greedy as before yet but at least he's no longer refusing food. He's however unable to stand on his own yet since we took his dextrose off because he has not eaten much. Food is fuel so not enough food, not enough energy. I'm glad he seems to be regaining his appetite for food gradually. He's whimpering at times probably feeling miserable for his condition so we often talk to him (yes we do no matter how loony it sounds) to comfort him and tell him to not force himself. Brandon often make his rounds at night so he might've thought he's neglecting his duties for being bed ridden. He's a police dog so what can we do right? It runs in his breed :)

posted from Bloggeroid


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