I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Friday, August 26, 2016

My Sabbath

something for a cat person
like me! :)
Being away from work even just for a couple of days is so divine for me. Today, I chose to eat out and rummage the vintage stalls for great finds and eventually got myself a cute pair of slip on shoes and a jacket. I also tagged my sissy along this morning to this new cafe in town that serves vietnamese noodles and coffee because we were both curious with their Pho Bo (beef noodles) since we didn’t get the chance to try it during our trip in Hanoi, Vietnam last April. We only got the chance to taste Vietnam’s Pho Ga (chicken noodles), Vietnamese coffee, Banh Mi and egg coffee during our stay there and felt our trip wasn’t totally complete. Because it’s payday I decided to treat my sister to The Coffee Library to try their Pho Bo and Green Tea smoothie. We went there before lunch time so the place isn’t hogged by students (as it’s close to tons of schools) since we both hate crowded places because of the noise and all. 

Pho Bo & Green Tea Smoothie
Apple Pie ala Mode with
Vanilla ice cream
The Coffee Library is located downstairs from Rex Hall Residences. It was cozy  although a little small like other coffee shops. The service was swift and we were handed the menu the moment we settled to our seats. I love the food presentation by the way because a vietnamese noodle is served in such a way you have to mix the condiments yourself (veggies, chilli sauce etc.) because that’s how it is really served in Vietnam. The Green Tea smoothie is also a must try because it wasn’t too sweet, that's how it is anyways with healthy beverages, sugar shouldn’t be too much or it'll turn into a dessert. And, last but not least, the Apple Pie ala Mode topped with vanilla ice cream for dessert which my sister and I both enjoyed, seriously it was really good and also a must try. I never thought we can even put ice cream on pies lol. I’m not into desserts that much but, their apple pie is very delightful to the palate. 

Pho Bo (Php150)
Green Tea Smoothie (Php130)
Apple Pie ala Mode (Php95)

They actually have more affordable items on their menu like their Breakfast meals etc. We just chose the healthy ones because we’re weight conscious people that’s why and that’s how it should be as you get older lol. 

Moving on, I really enjoy looking at my sister’s Bento Lunch project feeds on Instagram for our niece. She told me that our niece enjoys her lunch so much because of those quirky characters she puts inside her Bento box. Well, I couldn’t agree more after I saw them, I mean, a concept for a Bento lunch ain’t easy since you have to be really creative and patient. Hmm..I don’t think making Bento lunch is my thing lol, just baking and cooking I guess. Seriously, it is a pretty tedious thing to do. 

Alright, I’m happy that my new cactus is still alive despite being exclusively indoors for many weeks now. So, what I did, I skipped removing the cactus from its original potting soil (the one that came with it when I bought it) and just shoved it to a vase and so far it hasn’t withered yet. I’m looking to add some snake plants to the house in the future because I learned it’s also an indoor plant. 

And oh, I just picked up my parcel from the local post office today which is another one of those items I bought in eBay. I ordered it second week of July and travelled all the way from Shenzen, China. It's a LAN adapter for my macbook air since it doesn't have any LAN port. I bought one so I could use my ever reliable D-Link router instead of the modem that came with my DSL internet (because my internet connection gets really slow upstairs) and I'm hoping the old router would be much more reliable, hoping...hoping..then crossing my fingers. Yeah the adapter was cheap for $3.00 but I paid $2.42 for customs fee which was almost the cost of the actual item geez. I know right? 

Ok, 'nuff of my so called weekend. 


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