I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

What's Going On?

The month of January is almost over and the cold here up north is becoming more and more unbearable that I need to wear couple of those knitted bonnets at night to protect my head from too much cold. My muscle spasm is getting frequent every day or should I say every night which clearly denotes aging lol. Seriously, the cold seeps through concrete walls, window sill and doors. Temp check? My cat wants to snuggle more than usual and as we all know mammals love warmth. 

So, what's going on? 

Donald Trump just had his inauguration thus sparked the Women's march not just in the U.S but also across the globe. I'm really not a Trump fan so hadn't I'm 13,000 miles away I would've joined the march. I think Trump has made it clear from the very beginning that he wants illegal immigrants out of the U.S not taking into account that America was built by migrants. I really don't understand what direction America is headed with Trump as President quite frankly.

Let's not forget that their new Vice President Mike Pence is against same sex marriage. The bright side is, since Trump already had his inauguration the U.S Congress can now have him impeached. However, the ironic part is that once the President gets impeached the VP will sit in the Presidential throne as that's the hierarchy, I bet no one wants Pence to become the President neither because he blatantly announced he does not approve of same sex marriage nor is ok with LGBTs. Oh how I wish Joe Biden ran for President instead of Trump (sigh), he would've been my bet over Hilary but I don't know if he'd even win because he's not as famous as Trump who also happened to be a TV celebrity because of The Apprentice. I really can't wrap my head around why a racist, sexist and someone like this bloke Trump made it as the 45th U.S. President, I mean, why? Is the apocalypse near? Anyways, I wish I could change the world but I can't.

Le Blueberry Oaties; My iPhonography
Alright, 'nuff with my ramblings and lez move on to food, what a good segue isn't it?

Breakfast Club...

I decided to go for Blueberry oatmeal this morning and I effin loved it. I tossed in some raisins, banana, chia seeds then glazed it with Clara Ole's Blueberry flavored syrup called ''Blueberry Thrill" to sweeten it and t'was awesome. 


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