I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Game of Thrones

Howdy July! What do we know, half a year has already gone by. Time flies in a haste as if the year couldn't wait for Christmas any longer e? July is often rainy season up north so the weather is far more better than summer. So, what's in store for me this month other than more diy projects? Nothing much really except I'm halfway through reading Lang Leav's "Sad Girls" novel and I'm looking forward to watch more of those TV series I never got the chance to watch ages ago. 

Game of Thrones...
Ok, I know this is so effing long overdue but yes I never had the time to watch any of GOT epis considering it started airing back in 2011 which was six years ago to date. I wasn't interested really because I'm not a fan of sword fights, war scenes, monarchial stuff and all those since I find  them really boring. I know what you're thinking--where have I been right? My bad, I really regret not having watched it all these years because I know, I missed half of my life. But hey, it's never too late for something awesome like Game of Thrones.

I just finished watching GOT Seasons 1-6 after a week of online streaming marathon and I can't wait for Season 7 to premiere on July 16 (in the U.S) July 17 here in the country. Now I'm stoked and I totally understand why people talked so much about it. I mean any TV show to last this long (6 years c'mon) must be really good. So, what's my take on it? It was worth my every time despite the gore and violence as It was exciting from Season 1 down to Season 6. The first 3 seasons were exciting enough but wait until you see seasons 4-6, you're heart will race. I hated that Ned Stark had to die and that all misfortunes befall his entire family. I just thought that the Stark kids aren't heartless compared to the rulers from other kingdoms.

Season shockers..
Ned Stark was beheaded upon King Joffrey's (Baratheon/Lannister) order despite Sansa's plead not to kill his father on Season 1; Robb Stark and his mother Cat were murdered during a wedding they attended on Season 3; Jon Snow's untimely demise after his Night Watch men stabbed him for his risky alliance with the Wildings on Season 5 and his resurrection on Season 6. Things are turning more exciting every season really and I can't wait for Season 7. 

My favorite episodes & most hated characters..
Ramsey's cause of death: devoured
by his own hound.
Joffrey as he succumbed to his death.
Poisoned by Lord Baelish & Olenna
The death of King Joffrey on his wedding day (I SO hate this spoiled brat kid); Ramsey Bolton's death after Sansa allowed his own hounds to devour him (yes Jon Snow punched him in the face so hard after he killed their little brother) and of course when Jon Snow rose from the dead completely whole unlike what happened to Khal Drogo; Another exceptionally despising character, Queen Cersei, this woman is hardcore evil. She accused Tyrion (her midget youngest brother) for killing his son Joffrey and wanted him dead. And oh, she also blamed Tyrion caused their mother's death after giving birth to him. Too bad for his son King Tommen who jumped to his death after realizing that her own mother betrayed her.

What made GOT even more interesting is the unveiling of Jon Snow's roots (which I think Season 6 somehow already partly reveiled) which would shed some light as to his parentage. As per his half brother Brandon’s vision from the past, Jon's not really Ned Stark's illegitimate child but Alyanna Stark (Ned’s sister) and  that he might have a Targaryen father (Rhaergar Targaryen). Ned did not disclose Jon's true parentage because of his intent to protect the latter. This therefore means that Jon's parents are both from strong clans, the Starks, rulers of the North and Targaryen, former royal house from the Westeros. I can't really shrink GOT into one single write up because you have to really watch it, it's really brilliant.

Characters I liked...
The Hound, I know it's pretty surprising but there's goodness in him no matter how ruthless he was in killing his opponents, he saved Sansa many times and kept Arya Stark alive (except the ransom part), avenged the kind-hearted man who saved him while he’s on the verge of dying; Jaimie Lannister, despite his incestuous love affair with his twin Cersei, I'm giving him a credit for being a friend to Brienne of Tarth and saving his brother Tyrion from death penalty. Tyrion Lannister, do not under estimate the wit of a dwarf. This guy’s mental acuity is quite something to take note of. And of course, who wouldn't love Jon Snow? He's fearless. Let's not forget Daenerys Targaryen, the mother of Dragons. I think her force is to reckon with on Season 7.

The Hound, Jaimie Lannister, Jon Snow,
Tyrion Lannister & Daenerys 
Game of Thrones is truly addicting as I was drawn and glued to it from start to finish (although I did skip some of the morbid scenes because it's just really excessive lol). I understand why on the other hand though because the kingdoms were at war with each other so expect savagery, gore, too much sex stuff and nudity. To simply put it, it's definitely NOT rated R. 

To check out Game of Thrones Seasons 1-6 you may check it out here. It's going to be pretty tedious though because you have to type in which season you're looking for in the search field but I assure you it's complete and each season consists of 10 episodes which would run for an hour per epi or 10 hours per season. 

Update (as of 07/17/17) : You may now watch GOT Season 7 Episode 01 here. It doesn't have any subtitle yet but it's a legit link.

If you're not yet a GOT fan or you haven't seen this awesome series yet you may check out this video (a special compilation of all GOT seasons) to give you an overview as to what Game of Thrones is all about (so far). I wish I had seen it before I watched the 60 episodes (Seasons 1-6) lol. Anyways, it's a good overview although watching all the episodes is what I would still highly recommend to pretty much grasp what's really going on.


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