I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Saturday, May 25, 2024

When You're Bored

I love random Qs so let me waste my time a bit...

If you could be any age for the rest of your life, which would you choose? 28

What’s your favorite animal? Cat

Which celebrity would you choose for your best friend? None

If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, which one would you choose? Black

What does your perfect day look like? Overcast

Why are turtles green? Ask the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 

What’s the best way to waste time? Gossip

What is the worst food of all time? Anything very greasy

Do you have a go-to karaoke song? Sway (Bic Runga) 😂

What’s your favorite place to visit? Anywhere away from the city

When do you feel the most stressed? Heavy traffic jams

What’s your go-to breakfast order? Indian vegetarian food

What’s your favorite way to exercise? Walking

What’s your favorite playlist? Random indie rock ones

What was the best gift you ever received? A Lang Leave book 

What makes you the most angry? Narcissist  people

What’s your favorite nickname you’ve been given? Phil

What is something you can’t give up? Being impulsive

What was the best part of your day? End of day

Do you have a favorite weekend activity? Spending time with cats and watching them bask in the sun

Do you think money brings happiness? No

Do you cry easily? Yes

What’s the last book that made you cry? A Gentle Reminder by Bianca Sparacino

What street did you grow up on? MLQ

Hiking or video games? Hiking

If you could design a video game about anything, what topic would you choose? How to get out of a haunted house

What’s something you’re really good at? Be still and watch the world go by

Are you adventurous? Yes

What’s your favorite Disney character? Arielle 😅

Would you rather be in a cartoon or have an artist paint your picture? In a cartoon

Would you rather be a musician or a movie star? Musician

What is one thing you think is really overrated? Hollywood movies

What’s your dream car? A beetle (?)

Personal uniforms or a different outfit every day? Different

What’s your favorite family tradition? Celebrating yuletide season

What was your favorite birthday party? Hate parties. 

What’s one thing you would tell your childhood self? You'll turn out fine. 

Board games or puzzles? Puzzles

If you could get rid of one veggie immediately, which one would you choose? Kale

Who was your favorite teacher and why? Don't remember

What was your favorite toy growing up? Barbie 😅

Who was your first celebrity crush? Ethan Hawke 


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