I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Thursday, October 17, 2024


Good manners and right conduct (GMRC) seem to be increasingly forgotten these days, and this is not just limited to children but includes adults as well. 

Let me share a few of my workplace pet peeves:

- **Disrespecting boundaries**: 
If a colleague chooses to avoid conflict, don’t provoke them. Many people prefer to avoid unnecessary drama, not because they’re afraid, but because they don't want to waste time and energy on negativity. They focus instead on their well-being and avoid toxic situations.

- **Interrupting and talking over someone**: Offering your opinion when it isn’t asked for, without even apologizing, is disrespectful.
- **Sending negative messages to colleagues**: Acting as though you're their superior when you're not. Everyone has their ups and downs, so be mindful of how your words can impact others. Respect is key.
- **Playing the blame game**: Instead of dwelling on what wasn’t done, focus on solutions. Don’t linger on past mistakes—move on. Time is precious. 

- **Fault-finding**: Nobody is perfect, and we all make mistakes. Learning never stops. Before pointing out others' flaws, reflect on your own. If you constantly criticize, ask yourself if you’re flawless—unless you're suffering from delusions of grandeur.

- **Thinking you’re better than others**: People come from different backgrounds. Don’t assume you're the smartest or look down on those who don’t flatter you. Everyone deserves respect.

- **Crab mentality**: Don’t drag others down just to rise yourself. Remember, trying to "row the boat" alone is isolating. If you sink, you'll be the only one to suffer.

'Nuf said. 


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