I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Sunday, July 25, 2010

stormy days are here again

i feel like i've been on hiatus for quite sometime because our broadband internet service quit working due to the recent typhoon 'bashang' which hit manila about couple of weeks ago. so, i'm stucked with our prepaid wireless broadband modem which takes forever for the images to load if it will at all. it sucks really. this happens every time there's a typhoon, there's always a signal interruption and getting technicians to fix everything is also a pain. smart's hotline was flooded by possibly upset customers waiting for tech dispatch that's why it was never available. we spent five days waiting for someone to pick up until lo and behold, their dispatch team came in  today. our internet is up and running again. oh wow, i'm so happy. i watched quite a few movies during the past weeks i just didn't have the time to blog that's all.

flick picks...

THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE - i hate this movie. it was so effin gross.

star: adam sandler
the movie is about a selfish man who would like to control his life with a remote control.

PRINCE OF PERSIA - action filled and fantasy.

Dastan, an orphan in the Persian Empire, was adopted by a king after witnessing his act of courage. Fifteen years later, Dastan, his royal-blooded foster brothers, Tus (Richard Coyle) and Garsiv (Toby Kebbell), and his uncle, Nizam (Ben Kingsley) are planning an attack on the sacred city of Alamut, which is believed to be selling weapons to Persia's enemies. Despite his doubts as to whether they should attack a sacred city and his orders to avoid the front-line of the fighting, Dastan leads a surprise attack that succeeds in allowing the Persian army to breach the walls of Alamut. In the confusion, the princess of Alamut, Tamina, instructs one of her guards to take a dagger from a shrine to safety. During the fight, however, Dastan defeats this guard, and steals the dagger. Alamut falls to the Persians and Tamina is captured. In order to pacify the captured city, Tus suggests that he and Tamina marry, which she agrees to only upon seeing that the dagger has fallen into Dastan's possession.


i like this movie, it's so simultaneous. Clash of the Titans is a 2010 fantasy film and a remake of the 1981 film of the same name.

The movie is about the three Olympians who battled the Titans: Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. Hades provided their means of defeating the Titans with his creation, the Kraken. After the Titans' defeat, Zeus created humans and ruled them while Poseidon ruled the sea, but Hades, having been deceived by his brother Zeus and forced to rule the Underworld, learned an alternate way of gaining power from humans.

Millennia later, a fisherman named Spyros found a coffin adrift in the sea, inside was a baby, Perseus, and his dead mother, Danaë, inside. Spyros decided to raise Perseus as his own. Years later, whilst Perseus and his family are fishing, they saw a group of soldiers from Argos destroying a statue of Zeus as a declaration of war against the gods. Hades appeared and transformed into a flock of harpies to massacre the soldiers before he himself destroyed Perseus' fishing boat. Perseus tried to save his family, but the surviving soldiers took Perseus back to Argos. During a feast for the returning soldiers, King Kepheus and Queen Cassiopeia of Argos compare themselves and their daughter, Andromeda, to the gods much to their daughter's dismay. After convincing his brother to let him loose on humanity to punish Argos for its defiance, Hades appears in the courtroom before killing the remaining soldiers while Perseus is unaffected. Revealing Perseus to be the demigod son of Zeus, and aging Cassiopeia to death, Hades threatens that if Princess Andromeda is not sacrificed to the Kraken, Argos will be destroyed in ten days. Hermes, the messenger god, approaches Zeus on Olympus, revealing the location of his son Perseus. While Hermes suggests offering Perseus sanctuary, Zeus declares that he shall be left to his fate, along with the other infidel mortals.

The king seeks the help of Perseus after he is beaten and threatened to be thrown in a fire pit. Perseus initially refuses and gets locked in the dungeon, until he meets Io, a woman who does not age as punishment for refusing to be seduced by the God Ares. Io then reveals his conception was a punishment conducted by Zeus on Acrisius, the former king of Argos who was married to Danaë, for his actions against the Gods. Zeus sneaked in disguised as Acrisius, and in that form he copulated with Danaë. When the real Acrisius entered, Zeus escaped. When Acrisius set Danaë and the baby Perseus adrift in their coffin, an enraged Zeus struck Acrisius with lightning, leaving him hideously disfigured. After learning that killing the Kraken would allow him to have his revenge against Hades, Perseus accepts as he and Argos' finest soldiers embark on a quest to find the Stygian Witches with a pair of Persian monster-hunters named Ixas and Kucuk, and Io following. To counter this turn of events, Hades enlists Acrisius, now called Calibos, and imbues him with superhuman powers in order to kill Perseus.


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