I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Thursday, April 5, 2012

government offices sucks!

i was so exhausted since tuesday completing all my pre employment requirements. its such a pain. we started out tuesday with our cedula (community tax certificate) and court clearance (which for some odd reason is being required while we already have our nbi clearance! gadh).

a trip to any government office is such a pain. why? because employees in government offices are grumpy, rude and not helpful at all (well not really all but MAJORITY of them). government offices looks like a maze at times because of ample doors that leads you here, there and everywhere. if you bother to ask clerks there they will point you out to a direction which is nowhere but into the void. damn. that's why i never wanna work in government offices despite of 'good' benefit

s. that even ghost employees gets paid. yeah right.i know. my dad worked in the government for roughly 30 years. the corruption is so severe that he availed his optional retirement ahead of time.

there, i was able to get my cedula after gruelling trips (back in forth from our house to the municipall hall). why again? i was asked to present my company id and any current payslip which for some ongodly reasons never ocurred to me back in manila. just a simple 'i'm looking for a job' excuse will do and they will issue you a cedula for less than P20. to make the long story short, i paid P112 while me and my sister has the same salary and tax deductions? if you ask the clerk she will possibly say talk to the hand. so why bother with all the shit.

baguio is a small world but going to goverment offices is such a pain and i feel like i never wanna come back anymore. it's just upsetting why people who supposedly serves the public treats them like they're wasting their time while the public is the reason why they get paid right? their wages are coming from the taxes of the people, their blood and sweat so a little courtesy will do. actually not a little but AMPLE courtesy should prevail. the people in RTC (which is at the back of the municipal hall) were actually nicer than the ones in the city hall, they're much more courteous and on time.

moving on, my sister and i finished our clearance with our now ex-job and it was such a relief so we could use our remaining days for a li'l vacay before we start with our newfound job. you know it's holy week so we should join the entire christendom to reflect and recollect. at this point

while writing this bloggie i'm home in our parents vacation house just chilling and eating more veggies. haizzt. i can't believe we survived completing all our pre-emp requirements in two days inspite of all the hustles. damn. it's like amazing race againts time. arrgh.

i'm busy with tami hoag's secrets to the grave ebook. it's really good. there are just books that pulls me through from time to time.

anyways, here are quite a few songs that i feel like listening to lately.

let it go by cavo
call your name by daughtry
coffee & cigarettes by michelle featherstone

rock on..

i had a good night sleep last night.

so there...


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