If it is time to deepen your human
touch, to bring deeper loving values to your family, or to learn how to nurture
and care for yourself, find a water person to guide you. By nature, Water people
are patient, tolerant, peaceful, friendly and altruistic; also loyal,
considerate and compassionate.
Globally the element water protects
the innocent, defends the rights of children, protects and stops the forest
from annihilation. Water is universal bonding, a peace loving element that will
go to great lengths to protect the human aspect throughout.
The Water person, who chooses to
stay in balance in his or her element, will surround themselves with
· Constant connection with friends and family, who are the essence of Water people’s life
· Rigorous and regular low impact exercises and sports
· Love – lots of tenderness and feelings.
Respect for the real world
issues of being on time (early for appointments) and predictability.
Water Predominant people don’t
always make good business managers but do make great people careers like human
resources and nursing. They are ideal in environments where people need to care
about themselves and others.
All things have a little bit of
water in them along with the other elements. In other terms, the Element
Water is the force of cohesion. It is what makes everything stick
together. It is the “love” factor.
And more…
Water types are
seekers of wisdom. In their youth, they typically possess a quality of being
“wise beyond their years.” As adults, Water types are known for being unusually
deep thinkers, always searching for truth and meaning. If you are a Water type,
you are a philosopher, comfortable in the world of your mind, and you often
prefer your own thoughts to a superficial dialogue with other people. You are
strong-willed, and seek out quiet, tranquil environments. Physically you are
healthy, vigorous, and have enormous willpower and a tremendous capacity for
If you are a Water
type and you spend too much time alone, or in “survival mode,” you tend to
manifest conditions associated with the kidneys and bladder. On an emotional
level, when imbalanced your normally deep reservoir of inner strength can spill
over into fear. I frequently advise my patients who are Water types to keep
themselves in balance by drinking plenty of fluids and socializing regularly so
they don’t become too emotionally isolated.