I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mirage #2

Mirage, Book 2 | Kristi Cook

I just finished the second book from the 'Haven' trilogy this morning and yes as soon as I woke up I flipped through the few remaining pages excited to know how it would end. This trilogy is just my guilty pleasure not realizing I would enjoy it more than twilight. Well, Meyer's Twilight is the heavy drama version as opposed to Cook's trilogy.

Anyways, a new character came in at Winterhaven, Tyler, from another psychic school called Summerhaven which sounded kind of funny to me cuz I never thought Cook would coin such name for a school considering she named the first one Winterhaven.

Tyler happened to be Violet's fencing counterpart at Summerhaven and the two became friends. Aidan got a little jealous of Tyler because Violet spends a lot of time with him as they were fencing partners. Another new character came in, Dr. Matthew Byrne, a young professor with Phd at Winterhaven who teaches Science and became Violet's precog coach. The girls at Winterhaven called him Mr. Hottie because he was goodlooking ang young for a professor.

Violet and the gang got busy with SAT and scouting for a perfect college/university after high school whilst Aidan spent more time at the Laboratory trying to perfect his serum/elixir that would turn him to a somewhat normal human being again.

Dr. Byrne kept his regular coaching sessions with Violet to improve her precog ability and enable her to playback her visions vividly.

A vampire stalker on the lose started victimizing random targets until one day a female body was found on Winterhaven grounds. Tyler learned that Aidan is a vampire and suspected he might be the culprit. Violet started having doubts neither.

Among Violet's significant visions; putting a stake at Aidan's heart and Whitney getting chased by someone unknown.

Violet learned about her Megvéd who happened to be Matthew or Dr. Byrne, a match for a sabbat.

Came Christmas brake, whilst Patty, Violet's step mom is away for a holiday with her new boyfriend, Whitney called Violet to let her know she is sleeping over at Patty's apartment where Violet is headed for the holidays. Violet got a call grom Trevor to warn her something is wrong with Aidan and must immediately stay away from him for the time being. Too late because Aidan already got to Patty's apartment and Whitney asked him to come up. Violet asked Whitney to leave the apartment to run away from Aidan.

Matthew called Violet and already knew what's bound to happen. The two started looking for Whitney and Violet realized her visions about her friend. The two were able to save Whitney from Aidan. Aidan realized what he did decided to turn himself to the tribunal.

On the other hand, Trevor and Matthew have this resolve that Aidan is the vampire stalker as he wasn't himself every time he injects the serum.

Aidan and Violet believe that there is someone messing with the serum at the lab whos intent is to destroy Aidan. This was also one of Violet's vision, an unknown person getting a hand on the test tubes.

Aidan, broken hearted, bid Violet goodbye and asked Matthew to look after her.

Book 2 did not end happily and I already started reading book 3 as I am writing this bloggie. I don't wanna spoil what's to unfold next :)

posted from Bloggeroid


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