I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Comfort Food

I used to love ice cream. But, since I became a weight watcher (I meant that literally and no I am never a part of this weight watchers group they call in the U.S) I started ditching some of my favorite comfort foods as if I have no choice. Eating something sweet releases this chemical in the brain called endorphins which makes us happy. So, everytime you give in to your cravings think again, happy hormones or be depressed once you can no longer get into your clothes? Anyways, may it be chemical reaction or what I still think that happiness is just a state of mind.

Going back, speaking of comfort foods, I have been yearning to grab some of these red velvet cupcakes for days and it was always out of stock so, I was sooo disappointed lately until today my sissies surprised me with these lovely cupcakes. I commanded my brain to be happy because I finally got myself some rv cupcakes!

I'm not talking about comfort foods because there's some sort of an impetus for me to cry or I am on some sort of a break up. Totally none of the above and I'm not on emo mode neither haha.

I just thought of comfort foods because of the word 'comfort.' I remember when I was on 7th grade, I cried profusely because I did not make it to top 3 in my class until my siblings' friends started comforting me (they were on the 9th grade then) that I stopped crying afterwards. I later on realized how stupid I was and felt embarrassed for my stupidity and superficial-ness if ever there's such a word. I thought, I still made it to top five so what the hell was I crying about? After then I became weird and stopped the foolish competing and instead resorted to Siddhartha Gautama/Buddha's dogma which states "Happiness is Contentment" or something like that. There you go. I stopped competing with others and instead competed with myself until now. Who cares about them as long as there's red velvet cupcakes all is well.

posted from Bloggeroid


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