I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Monday, February 22, 2016

For The Love of Movies Eymen!

This time around I’ll make a random reviews of movies belonging to different genres. Most of them got stuck in my head because they’re either disturbing, interesting, really nice or i got extremely bored watching them.

Bedevilled (2010 film)
South Korea | Horror/Thriller


Seo Young-hee ... Kim Bok-nam
Ji Sung-won ... Hae-won

I watched Bedevilled upon my sister’s recommendation. She told me it was based on a true massacre story which happened in an island in Korea and, it was shown at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival as well. Upon research, I was surprised that it was a blockbuster hit although it didn’t appear so mainstream to me not that I meant that negatively. It’s just that here in the country, award winning flicks do not really enjoy commercial success most of the time. I was kind of perturbed by this movie because of the gore, immorality and socially unacceptable stuff I’ve seen although I highly recommend this to people who are fascinated with something that’s out of the ordinary, non-stereotype movies. 


The movie began with Hae-won, a single and an independent woman who works for a bank in Seoul having PMS errr refusing to grant a poor client’s request for a cash loan I think. She was so grumpy she yelled at the poor woman despite her begging and I was like if she did that to me it’ll be cat fight for sure lol. Moving on, she stepped out of the office to visit the police station to identify suspects for a murder case. When Hae-won went back she found out that her colleague granted the poor client's wish for a cash loan. She confronts her co-worker and slapped her. She was suspended because of what she did although in real life that’s terminable of course.

Hae-won was invited by her childhood friend Kim Bok-nam to their hometown, a Southern Island called Mudo. Kim lives with her in-laws. Her mother-in-law is a ruthless old hag who verbally abuses her.  Kim was married to a womanizer who often bring home prostitutes and make out in front of her which is totally looney. Korean’s culture is no different than ours, conservatives believe that a woman should marry and give in to her husband’s will. Hae-won on the other hand is the opposite of Kim, she doesn’t need a man to fend for her which the other totally admire. Hae-won stayed in Mudo and witnessed everything dysfunctional in Kim’s life, she kept mum about it. Kim started to have suspicions about her husband molesting her daughter thus came up with a plan to escape.

One fateful day, Kim and her daughter attempted to escape the husband by taking a boat bound to Seoul. Unfortunately, the Prostitute (who’s intention is pure to help Kim and her daughter) stupidly asked help from her husband’s brother thus they got caught. Kim was badly battered again by his husband because of what happened and the women in the island, instead of helping Kim, took her husband’s side. Kim’s daughter got in a way and was hurled (by his now mad) husband, the poor kid hit her head on a rock and died instantly. Traumatized and pained by her daughter’s death, Kim lost her sanity and killed everyone in the island sparing only her father-in-law who seemed to be the only person who never said nor done anything bad towards her. Hae-won was able to escape on a boat thus was also spared from death. Hae-won went back to Seoul. 

Kim, after killing everyone in the island, went to Seoul for the first time,  found Hae-wan and attempted to kill the later as well but failed. Kim, now deranged died after Hae-won struck her with her flute’s sharp end. Hae-won used to teach Kim how to play the flute when they were little.

I later on found that Kim was abused and raped as a teenager. She was forced into marriage so someone could father the child she had out of wedlock. This made her owe a great sense of gratitude from his husband. Kim however, asked help from Hae-won, she never did. Kim protected Hae-won but the later was so indifferent towards her. 

I felt bad for Kim because she was a victim of circumstances. The movie also justifies the importance of education especially in women. For one to have a good life education is vital because this makes a person aware of his or her basic rights. Being well aware and informed liberates a person from the pain brought about by ignorance. This film will struck you like were hit by shards from a broken mirror, you will feel the pain that Kim went through, the feeling of being lost and never found. 

My next movie is Anna Karenina.

Anna Karenina (2012)


Keira Knightley - Princess Anna Arkadievna Karenina
Jude Law - Count Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin, Anna's husband
Aaron Taylor-Johnson - Count Alexei Kirillovich Vronsky, Anna’s lover, a cavalry officer

As much as I hate movies about infidelity because there’s always someone on the losing end, I felt the urge to watch it because it stars famous actors such as Keira Knightley and Jude Law so I thought it must be good.

Alright, Princess Anna is married to the powerful Count Karenin and was blessed with a son. So from their names I therefore conclude came the movie title Anna Karenina ok? 

Princess Anna fell in love with young calvary officer Counth Vronsky. The scandalous love affair began when  Counth Vronsky started following and pursuing Princess Anna. The Princess gave in to  Counth Vronsky’s charm without taking into account she’s already married to Count Karenin. 

Boy it was a lengthy film. 

It was a long standing love affair between the Princess and  Count Vronsky. The Princess got pregnant with Vronsky's daughter resulting to the two being the talk of the royalty. Count Karenin was ready to forgive Princess Anna on her deathbed but as soon as the Princess got better she continued her affair with Count Vronsky. Because of this, Count Karenin refrained the Princess from seeing their son which is reason enough, anyone’s patience would’ve run out given the situation.

Princess Anna, upon realizing the weight of her infidelity, ended her life by jumping into an approaching train.

Honestly, I got bored with this movie and went totally sleepyhead because it was really lengthy. Nevertheless, if you dig century old love affairs like Mills & Boon kinda stuff then you might enjoy watching this film.

Testament of Youth (2014)
British Drama


Alicia Vikander as Vera Brittain
Kit Harington as Roland Leighton
Colin Morgan as Victor Richardson
Taron Egerton as Edward Brittain

Vera fights with her parents over going to Oxford. Her parents would like her to play the piano well so she could find a husband and not go to college, Vera disagreed because she believes a woman could do better than just marry. Vera met Roland, an acquaintance of his brother Edward. Roland found Vera loves poetry and went to school in Oxford. Vera at first dislikes Roland because she thought he’s just like many other men who do not believe in women empowerment but proved herself wrong when Roland told her that he was raised by his Mother, a single parent. Victor, Edward’s friend however likes Vera.

Edward persuaded their Father to send Vera to Oxford. He refused at first but he agreed later on. Edward, Roland and Victor left to go back to Army school. Vera showed interest in Roland. The two exchanged letters.

Vera went ahead and took her entrance exam at the Somerville College in Oxford. She tried her best to overcome intimidations from people back then who  do not believe that a woman like could earn a college degree. On the day of Edward’s graduation from Military school, Vera received letter stating she got in at Somerville. She pursued her college education but stopped school when the war breaks. Vera chose to set aside her college education to become a war nurse. A lot of things happened with the war getting in the way between Ronald and Vera’s challenging love story. 

Vera and Ronald’s love story was tragic though because Ronald died in the middle of war before they even marry. Becoming a war nurse though worked to her advantage because her  brother was taken to the camp where she works thus she was able to save Edward, her brother’s life. Edward went back to being a soldier as soon as he was better, asked Vera to promise him that she will finish college no matter what which Vera did.

Edward died in the war as well. Vera seemed to have lost all the people who were dear to her. She despised the war because of retribution which seemed to have become a never ending cycle. In the end, Vera earned her college degree, became a successful writer thus wrote the book Testament of Youth which became a major bestseller, a memoir on the first world war. 

Let me go to the other side of the globe. This time, let’s go to Thailand romance movies.

Love of Siam (2007) 

Thai: รักแห่งสยาม
Gay Themed/Romance Drama

Mario Maurer as Tong
Witwisit Hiranyawongkul as Mew
Chermarn Boonyasak as Tang/June

Tang and Tong are siblings and neighbors with Mew. Tong and Mew became good friends when Mew defended Tong after he was beaten up by his bully classmates. Even as kids Mew is noticeably effeminate compared to Tong. 

Tong’s sister Tang, disappeared during a camping trip in Chiang Mai which devastated their father, he was guilty for letting Tang go with her friends alone plus the longing feeling (for her now gone daughter) turned him into an alcoholic. Mew and his family then moved to Bangkok. Tong and Mew  did not see each other in years. Mew turned to music after his Grandmother died and became a part of a band called August. 

One day, Tong went to Bangkok to buy Mew’s CD but it was already sold and on his way to find another store he stumbles upon Mew and his band. They exchanged numbers and saw each other like the old times. Mew, reunited with Tong realized Tong’s father’s condition introduced June to Tong and his mother because she was a deadringer of her late sister Tang. Tong and his mother employed June to pretend she’s the long lost Tang. June was compelled to make up stories about their trip to Chiang Mai to Tong’s father. June’s presence somewhat helped Tong’s father recover but he never quit drinking which even more aggravated his health.

Tong and Mew’s friendship grew deeper. Tong’s mother saw Tong and Mew kissing which confirms indeed that the two is 'more than just friends.’ Tong’s mother talked to Mew, she expressed disappointed over their special friendship and that he wishes for Tong to finish school, have a job someday and a family of his own. Mew understood and later on starts avoiding Tong. Tong was puzzled. The gay rumour spread to Tong and Mew’s group of friends. Tong and Mew did not deny nor confirmed. Mew left his band, distraught after knowing they will never be more than friends. Tong officially broke up with his girlfriend. 

What I like about this movie is that, Mew’s friends accepted him despite knowing he’s gay which was not something I anticipated since it’s very difficult nowadays for teenage kids to keep an open mind.

Anyways, Mew reunited with his band. Tong watched them perform onstage for the first time. Tong and Mew agreed to be just friends. June left to pursue a life of her own.

I’m usually not a fan of gay themed movies because they usually have anticipated endings such as two people not ending up together because of moral standards etc. But, Love of Siam is not just about two people. It tackled about relationship and love in all its facets. 

Last but not least, another one of those Thai Gay themed flicks called Yes or No. 

Yes or No (2010)
Thai: อยากรัก ก็รักเลย

Sucharat Manaying - as Pie
Suppanad Jittaleela - as Kim
Arisara Tongborisuth - as Jane
Soranut Yupanun - as P'van

After I scoured the web for best Thai romance movies I stumbled upon tons of gay themed Thai flicks. This made me think, I guess, prevalence of such genre only proves that they have predominantly accepted the existence of same sex relationship in their conservative culture.

Pie hates lesbians or what they call a ‘Tom' (which I guess is short for Tomboy) for no reason. I guess it’s probably because her mother dislikes Toms as well thus Pie is living up to that preference. Along came Kim, her Tom-looking yet confused room mate at the University. Pie doesn’t like Kim at first because she feels that Kim’s a Tom (because she sure looks like a lanky guy at first glance). Kim was nice to Pie no matter what because she’s a nice person. Jane, on the other hand likes Kim because she’s been in a relationship with a lesbian before. Pie started to develop feelings for Kim and in the long run the two became a couple. 

Kim and Pie had a misunderstanding when Pie saw Jane and Kim together. Kim thought Jane was Pie so she hugged her since she was sick and wearing a night mask. Pie, broken hearted went home and told her mother she’s in love with a lesbian. Kim went to Pie’s house and confessed to her mother. Pie’s mother was of course against their relationship as expected because she wanted Pie to have a normal life when she gets older. Kim left the University and went back home to their farm. Pie chased Kim and confessed she wants her back in her life. Happy ending it is.

My take on same sex relationship is that as long as the two people in a relationship treat each other right the sexual preference should be out of the question. I know not everyone may have an open mind but that's life, these sort of relationships exist whether we like it or not.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - highly recommended
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  - somewhat highly recommended
⭐️⭐️⭐️    - it was alright.
⭐️⭐️       - nah.
⭐️          - waste of time.


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