I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Flick Picks '16

Far from the MaddingCrowd (2015)
  • Bathsheba Everdene (Carey Mulligan) - the heroine of the story
  • Gabriel Oak (Matthias Schoenaerts) - Bathsheba's true love.
  • William Boldwood (Michael Sheen) - Bathsheba's wealthy bachelor neighbor
  • Sergeant Frank Troy (Tom Sturridge) - the soldier who married Bathsheba
  • Fanny Robin (Juno Temple) - Sergeant Frank Troy's sweetheart
  • Liddy - Bathsheba’s assistant

Bathsheba works for her Aunt, in a farm in Dorset and met his new neighbor Gabriel Oak who has his own farm. Gabriel own hectares of land, over a hundred sheep and couple of sheep dogs he calls old George and young George. Gabriel, smitten by Bathsheba, asked for her hand in marriage but she declined. Bathsheba told Gabriel that she is ‘too independent’ and therefore does not require a husband. 

Gabriel lost his farm after his dog young George went on a rampage and chased all the sheep to the cliff, they all jumped off and died. Having no savings left, he sold his farm. Bathsheba on the other hand, inherited his Uncle’s farm.  One night, Gabriel saw a farmhouse burning so he decided to help in putting out the fire. The next morning, Bathsheba arrived and he found that she’s the new owner of the farm that he just saved. She hired Gabriel to look after the sheep’s health and once admitted to Liddy she still like Gabriel.

Bathsheba and Libby went to a traders event to find clients for the seeds (from the farm) and immediately noticed a good looking man named William Boldwood, a bachelor and wealthy neighbor of hers. Bathsheba and Liddy sent Mr. Boldwood a valentine card as a joke not knowing he will take it seriously after the gentleman found what a hardworking and fine woman Bathsheba is. She did not deny the card was from her and apologized for the prank. Mr. Boldwood asked for Bathsheba’s hand in marriage . Gabriel talked to Bathsheba and told her how disappointed he was for what she did towards poor Mr. Boldwood and that everyone is talking about the prank she played. Bathsheba enraged by what Gabriel said, fired him and he left at once. The next day, Bathsheba came begging for Gabriel to come back after the sheep went bloated for eating some plant. Gabriel went back to the farm after Bathsheba personally asked for him to come back.

Mr. Boldwood, all crazy about Bathsheba, talked to Gabriel one day, looking unwell to express how embarrassed he was that the whole parish is already talking about him. He told Gabriel, Bathsheba did not promise him anything so nothing between them was ever broken as oppose to what the gossip mongers are thinking. Bathsheba, on the other hand threw a little thanksgiving party after Gabriel saved all his sheep, Mr. Boldwood turned up to celebrate with them. After the gathering, Mr. Boldwood offered to walk Bathsheba back to her house which the later declined and that same night he bumped into a soldier Sergeant Frank Troy who was lost in the woods. Sergeant Frank Troy told Bathsheba she was beautiful after the light from the lamp illuminated her face. The next day, she found the soldier working for the farm. Let me just fast forward, Bathsheba smitten by Frank decided to elope with him and secretly marries him despite Gabriel’s warning. Frank is an irresponsible man who gambled Bathsheba’s farm money away. 

Franks story: On the day of his wedding, Frank waited for his sweetheart Fanny but she did not show up. Fanny, all ready for the wedding went to the wrong church which left Frank heartbroken. He was under the impression Fanny might’ve changed her mind and decided not to marry him. Frank never loved Bathsheba because his heart belongs only to Fanny.

One day, Bathsheba and Frank went to town and whilst busy betting during one of his gambling spree, Frank saw Fanny who’s now a beggar. Frank promised to meet her somewhere and to start a life anew after he learned that she’s carrying his child. Fanny, despite being feeble because of her pregnancy, went to their meeting place. Unfortunately she died waiting for Frank and her body collected by those who knew her. That night, Frank asked money from Bathsheba which she refused because the farm is on the verge of insolvency after he squandered all the farm money away due to gambling. He left empty handed and went to  their meeting place, Fanny was again a no show. On the other hand, Fanny’s casket was brought into the farm because she used to work for Bathsheba’s uncle. Bathsheba had a gut feeling Fanny is the same girl Frank told her about, she also found out that Fanny is pregnant and was shocked after she opened Fanny’s casket, she saw that Fanny is indeed pregnant and now lie dead with her unborn child. Frank saw her beloved Fanny and told  Bathsheba she was nothing to him. Bathsheba was devastated. Frank, decided to drown himself distraught after Fanny’s death. Bathsheba received the news, Frank died due to drowning.  Mr. Boldwood, took advantage of the situation and offered Bathsheba marriage for the second time. Bathsheba is torn because the farm is wallowing in debt and Mr. Boldwood offered to pay off all her debts if she marries him. 

Mr. Boldwood decided to throw a party and talked to Gabriel beforehand. He told Gabriel how grateful he is for being such a perfect gentleman and that, he knew all along that Gabriel has special feelings for Bathsheba yet never took advantage of her. On the night of the gathering, Frank, alive and well suddenly turned up and started dragging Bathsheba (on her way home after walking out from Gabriel. She asked for his advise whether or not to accept Mr. Boldwood’s marriage proposal and Gabriel said to do what’s best which disappointed her). Mr. Boldwood shot Frank and instantly killed him. Fast forward again,  Gabriel is already saying goodbye to Bathsheba for good. She started crying and told Gabriel that she was his first sweetheart and he should try asking her what he asked her before because she might respond differently this time. Too make the long story short, it was finally a happy ending for Gabriel and Bathsheba after a long and winding road lol. 

Far from the Madding Crowd is by far one of the best romance movies I’ve seen. It was a movie adaptation from an 1874 Thomas Hardy novel and the first movie version was back in 1967. I’ve read from reviews, Far from the Madding Crowd is one of the best romance movies around so I was curious to watch it but I got the 1967 copy. I wondered at first if it was the same movie people are raving about. I looked further and found there was another movie adaptation which stars Tom Sturridge (who’s now turning to be one of my fave actors) last 2015 so I watched it and yes it was indeed a worth watching flick. I will definitely be adding this movie to my best romance movies of all the time list. 

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Effi Gray (2014)
  • John Ruskin (Greg Wise), Victorian art critic
  • Euphemia "Effie" Gray (Dakota Fanning), John’s wife
  • John Everett Millais (Tom Sturridge), Pre-Raphaelite artist
  • Elizabeth Eastlake (Emma Thompson), wife of Sir Charles Eastlake, Director of the National Gallery.

Effie Gray is an interesting 18th century love triangle about a young woman and two famous artists. John Ruskin is a family friend to Euphemia "Effie” Gray. The house (in Scotland) where Effie’s family live belongs to John’s grandfather who committed suicide. When Effie was twelve, John wrote a fantasy novel for her called  The King of the Golden River. John married Effie when she was 19 whilst he was 29 years old. After the marriage, Effie met John’s parents in England whom she found very uptight to the point of being control freaks. They attribute John’s success to them, they rave about how well they brought him up. They weren’t so fond of Effie neither (especially John’s mother) because her family has a lot of debt. John is a known Victorian art critic from an affluent family. 

During their honeymoon, Effie stripped in front of John which made the later walk out. Effie was offended and cried the whole night thinking she’s not sexually attractive to her husband. He never touched nor made love to Effie all through out their married life and. John even told poor Effie that he despised her body and must wait until she’s 25, he never wanted to have a child with her neither. John described Effie as boring and not passionate. He was also oppressive to Effie, he often insults and verbally berates her. Effie felt totally alone during her marriage to John. She was stressed out thus started losing her hair and turned frail.  Effie on the other hand met Elizabeth Eastlake, wife of Sir Charles Eastlake, she was amused with Effie’s wit. Elizabeth and Effie became good friends. 

John wanted a portrait for himself thus decided to commission Pre-Raphaelite artist John Everett Millais. John, along with Effie and Everett went to Scotland to have his portrait painted and second for Effie’s health to get better. Everett’s admiration for John’s artistic talent turned into disappointment and disgust after he saw how John treats his wife in front of him. John often embarrass Effie in his presence and she just shrugs it off. Everett and Effie fell in love and before they head back to England, the two already has suspicions that John might be already aware with what’s going on between them. Effie also made an agreement with Everett which was not revealed until the movie ended. 

Effie, unable to endure John’s attitude towards her asked for an advise from her good friend Elizabeth Eastlake. Effie told Elizabeth that there was never any sexual contact between her and her husband and that she’s still a virgin to Elizabeth’s surprise. Elizabeth seek help from friends as well and instructed Effie to go to a doctor (Ob-gyne) which she did. The doctor confirmed that Effie is indeed a virgin and is willing to put it writing. Elizabeth helped Effie to get a legal counsel.  The lawyer told Effie upon reading the result from the doctor that, she could file for an annulment on the grounds of impotence. A letter then was sent to the Ruskins and they were aghast. Effie, on the other hand, sent Everett a message through her sister. She told Everett to wait once everything is already ironed out. 

Effie Gray is a biographical movie and I find true stories really interesting. Ok, it was a little boring because the setting was during the 18th century but as you watch along, you will find yourself glued to it hoping for Effie’s damsel in distress situation to get better. Nevertheless, it’s one of those movies I have not seen before because the plot isn’t something mediocre. I admire that Effie did not resort to drastic actions despite her husband’s hostility. She did not go on rogue and started sleeping with other men given the situation and instead kept mum about it until it was too much for her to bear. It’s not about being resilient, it’s about doing the right thing. After watching the movie, I did a little research and found that Effie eventually married Everett and had eight children. It was indeed a happy ever after for Effie. 

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Crimson Peak (2015)
  • Edith Cushing (Mia Wasikowska)
  • Carter Cushing (Jim Beaver)- a weathy businessn man, Edit’s father
  • Sir Thomas Sharpe (Tom Hiddleston) - English baronet, became Edith’s husband
  • Lucille (Jessica Chastain)  - Sir Thomas Sharpe’s ‘sister’
  • Dr. Alan McMichael (Charlie Hunnam) - Edith’s childhood friend, close to her father

Edith awoke one night after hearing a strange noise outside her room. When she looked at the direction where the noise was from, she saw a strange black figure headed towards her. Her ghost mother then whispered "beware of Crimson Peak.”

Years later, Edith is now grown and a budding writing. Her father, Carter Cushing loves her dearly, Edith often preps her father up for social events. One day, an English man named Sir Thomas Sharpe seek help from Mr. Cushing, he needs someone to finance his ‘red bricks’ which Mr. Cushing declined because he didn’t like ‘something’ about him. Thomas though has expressed interest in Edith from the very beginning. Edith, on the other hand also expressed mutual feeling towards Thomas. Dr. Alan McMichael, Edith’s friend since childhood do not like Mr. Sharpe neither. 

Mr. Cushing hired a detective to investigate  Thomas and his ‘sister’ Lucille and found unpleasant facts about them. He found that Thomas’ name is being linked to a murder. He then talked to Lucille and Thomas, offered the later huge money to stay away from Edith and leave for good. Days later, Mr. Cushing was found brutally murdered in the bathroom, his skull cracked after it was smashed in the sink. Edith was devastated but no lead as to who killed him. Dr. Alan McMichael found Mr. Cushing’s death peculiar. 

Thomas told Edith he’s leaving for good and divulged that her father offered him huge sums of money. Edith, decided to marryThomas and they moved to England to live in his dilapidated oversized house/mansion with Lucille. Thomas is barely seen in the mansion during the day as he’s too busy with a 'red brick’ machine. In his absence, Edith spent a lot of time wandering in the big house until she started to get sick and began seeing a scary ghost of a woman which seems to be warning her about something. Despite being sick, Edith found time rummaging through Thomas’ stuff and found voice recording of a woman. The unknown woman said she’s being poisoned and that Thomas only married her because of her money. Edith found that the woman died along with her child. Petrified, Edith started suspecting that she’s being poisoned by Lucille thus explains why she’s always sick, she also learned that Thomas’ mansion is called the Crimson Peak, she then recalls her mother’s warning.

 One night, Edith found the most shocking thing, she saw Thomas and Lucille making love. Edith found that Thomas and Lucille aren’t siblings but husband and wife. Edith attempted to escape but was too frail to do so. Dr. Alan McMichael learned that Edith is in the process of transferring all her estate in England, decided to visit the later because he’s got a gut feeling that she might be in grave danger. True enough, she found that Edith is indeed being poisoned so he asked permission from Thomas to take her to the hospital. Things has gotten of hand afterwards, Thomas took Edith’s side, unable to endure anymore of Lucille’s evil doings. Thomas stabbed Dr. Alan McMichael but made sure he will not die, he killed Lucille after the later made an attempt to kill Edith. Lucille killed Thomas but she died as well. Dr. Alan McMichael and Edith escaped from the mansion despite the heavy snow and I presume they survived. 

Crimson Peak is one of the most thrilling gothic romance films I’ve seen to date, a must see. 

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All Good Things (2010)
Psychological Thriller
  • David Marks/Robert Durst (Ryan Gosling)
  • Katie McCarthy/Kathleen McCormack (Kirsten Dunst)
  • Sanford Marks/Seymour Durst (Frank Langella)
  • Deborah Lehrman/Susan Berman (Lily Rabe)

All Good Things again, is based on a true story about an unresolved murder. See Robert Durst to know more about the actual story.

David, son of a rich business tycoon from New York (Sanford Marks) marries Katie McCarthy after having known her for quite a while. Katie is a regular working student who has plans of becoming a Doctor someday. David and Katie went off to Vermont from NYC to start their life together. David put up a business called All Good Things which coined the movie title. One day, David’s father paid the couple a visit to persuade him to take part in the family business. David, no matter how he promised himself to never work for his father decided to go back to NY, he accepted his father’s offer. David was assigned to collect payments for couple of their apartment complex, Avon and Luxor. He became so engrossed with the family business after he started earning huge amount of money. David rented an apartment unit in Manhattan and also bought a lake house outside the city for him and Katie.

Just a little story about David. His mother jumped off the building/committed suicide right in front of him when he was still a child and the incident created a psychological damage/trauma in David. Despite his psychiatric treatments, he remained having psychotic tendencies. Katie is not aware what David has gone through as a child hadn’t Deborah, David’s close friend told her. Katie told David that she wants to have a baby, David refused which left Katie distraught. David’s violent behavior started manifesting after learning that Katie started Medical school without telling him. One time, she pulled Katie’s hair and violently dragged her so she come home with him, another time he had her black and blue just to name a few. The worst one was when he killed his own dog.

One rainy night, Katie went home to the lake house to see how David is going and also for a little talk. She noticed that David's dog is missing so she curiously asked him and was told 'the dog is in the kennel.' When Katie checked, she found out that David killed the poor animal. Few days later, Katie is nowhere to be found and was declared a ‘missing person’ and she still do even up to now. Some of the people working for the Durst’s recalls having seen Katie days after David claimed she’s missing. It was revealed during the later part in the movie that, David’s father saw Katie’s body in David's car (the trunk) yet never said a word. According to the movie, David might’ve thrown Katie’s body in a lake. It was also revealed that Deborah became his accomplice, she disguised as Katie. The body was never found so David never went to jail neither.

Many years later, David lived a life of a recluse and disguised as a woman because he no longer wants attention from the public. He lived in an apartment and befriended his landlord. On the other hand, Deborah got into a terrible accident and would like more money from David thus threatened to tell the authorities ‘everything’ if David will not help him. I found out that David financially sustained Deborah all through the years since after what happened to Katie. Moving on, David’s landlord is being evicted from his property so he promised to provide a home for him since he’s looking to purchase a new house only under one condition, he needs to kill Deborah. So, the old man did. David then killed his landlord to cover up the crime I guess. David claimed it was ‘self-defense’ which the court believed, he was just penalized for ‘improper disposal of a body.’ 

All Good Things is a must watch especially to those who love psychological thrillers like I do. David exemplified one best attribute of a psycho killer, he’s too smart for his own good. He might’ve orchestrated a ‘perfect crime’ but maybe, in the long run, justice will still prevail somehow. 

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The Place Beyond the Pines (2012)
Drama/Crime Movie
  • Luke Glanton (Ryan Gosling) - popular motorcycle stuntman in New York back during the late 90’s.
  • Romina Gutierrez (Eva Mendes) - Luke’s old fling with whom she had a child
  • Robin (Ben Mendelsohn) - became Luke’s friend and partner in crime
  • Avery Cross (Bradley Cooper) - the police officer who gunned down Luke
  • Jason Kancam (Dane DeHaan) - Luke’s son
  • A.J. Cross (Emory Cohen) - Avery’s son
Luke learned that she got her old fling Romina pregnant after a year and met his baby boy for the first time. Romina never told Luke about the baby because she thought what happened between them was nothing serious. Luke found about his son through Romina’s mother. He offered child support, left his job and promised Romina to start their life together which the she refused because he’s now living in with Kofi. Luke determined to start his life anew with Romina and his baby boy became friends with Robin (who offered him a job to be a mechanic at first). Robin told Luke he’s going to make a great bank robber because he’s an excellent motorcycle driver (yes he drives really fast). Luke, righteous at first eventually gave in to Robin’s offer because he’s in dire need of money to support his child and Romina. Robin and Luke became great partners in crime until Robin said they’ve done enough, Luke refused to stop robbing banks until he got caught. After a police chase, a police officer named Avery Cross cornered him when he hid inside one of the houses. Avery accidentally fired his gun first and shot Luke in the stomach. Luke fired back and shot Avery in the leg yet he died and fell off the window. Avery, on the other hand was awarded for his ‘heroic act.’ Avery felt totally guilty for what happened especially after he learned that he left someone’s child fatherless. Avery’s boss have a gut feeling though that the later might’ve done ‘something wrong’ so he wanted Avery to be the first to say that he shot Luke first which was contrary to what really happened. In Avery’s case, as far as I know, he handled the situation wrong because he fired first which caused Luke’s death. It cannot fall under 'self-defense' because there was no threat in the first place. Luke’s instinct was to fire back because he was shot first. I think it could’ve been a ground for dismissal yet it turned out to be the other way around. 

Moving on, Avery demanded for promotion because he’s a degree holder. However, his boss declined and advised he should work his way up. Avery saw the rampant corruption in police force so he collated evidence to expose those involved including his friends. His one last demand was for his boss to promote him to 'district attorney' since he’s technically a lawyer, he has a law degree and of course passed the bar. He sort of black mailed his boss so his demand was granted thus he became even more famous for what he did. 

After 15 years, Avery is now busy running for public office. Avery is now divorced with his wife and has a teenage son A.J. who’s into drugs. His wife asked him to help his son before he gets totally out of control which he did. Then, out of coincidence became friends with Jason Kancam (Luke’s son). A.J. and Jason got caught after buying drugs from a drug dealer. Avery, totally angered by what happened told his son to ‘stay away’ from Jason yet A.J. he never did. Jason learned that his father was killed by the then police officer Avery who happened to be A.J’s Dad after he spoke with Robin, his father’s friend. Jason by the way asked Kofi for his biological father name which the later disclosed so he researched online and that’s how he found Robin. Jason learned that his father was great motorcycle stuntman as per Robin and that his motorcycle might’ve been turned over to the authorities. 

Jason made a plan, he thought of killing Avery to avenge his father.  He barged in to Avery’s home and found A.J. however, Avery went home so Jason saw him and took him to the forest (or what i call the place beyond pines). He asked for Avery’s wallet and is already 'decided ‘ to kill him until Avery begged on his knees and uttered i’m sorry Jason as he weeps. Jason then realized Avery knew who he was all along so he took off with his wallet and wads of cash. Jason saw his family picture in Avery's wallet, with his parents, Luke and Romina, and himself when he was still a little boy. Jason used the cash to purchase his father’s old motorcycle. the end. 

It was a lengthy yet a wonderful movie. Watching The Place Beyond the Pines felt as if reading couple of chapters from a book, the first chapter was Luke’s whilst the second, was Avery’s. The movie is about having a good purpose in life yet opt to do evil along the way in order to achieve it. Luke’s purpose was totally right hats down (which was to give his family a good future) but, he resorted to do unlawful things which later on caused his life so in the end he still was not able to give his son a good life.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - highly recommended
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  - somewhat highly recommended
⭐️⭐️⭐️    - it was alright.
⭐️⭐️       - nah.
⭐️          - waste of time.


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