I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Monday, September 19, 2016

One Helluva Scary Train Ride

Ok, so I’ve been reading posts after posts in Facebook about  this zombie apocalypse flick Train To Busan and I was like maybe they’re just exaggerating or it’s been a while since the last movie about zombies hit the theatres thus explains the clamour. Just by looking at the movie poster you know you’re up to something with lots of gore and heart thumping scenes as it is with typical zombie flicks say Dawn of The Dead, Warm Bodies, Zombieland etc. the only difference is Train To Busan is an all Korean cast zombie film which grossed $99 million worldwide.

If you’re a fan of Asian horror flicks like I do, Korean horror movies are good cinematography wise plus their plot is out of the ordinary, eccentric I should say. I have seen a lot of their horror movies and I loved them such as Yoga, Whispering Corridors, The Doll Master and Muoi of course just to name a few. I know not everyone may have seen a lot of these movies I mentioned because they did not really enjoy worldwide commercial success like Train to Busan. Mind you, Thailand horror flicks are also good and they also produced a thrilling zombie movie which was Phobia 2 (Backpackers). 

Going back, I just watched Train To Busan after I came home from work past midnight today and braced myself for zombie impact lol. I don’t always rely on others who saw the movie first because my take on movies often differ from everyone else. Alright, so Train To Busan started really strong because there’s no namby pamby, It was thrilling from start to finish which is what I loved about it plus it ended in such a way you wouldn’t expect say for instance I thought at first four of the main characters will emerge alive, however, only couple of them survived. It was very tragic and I totally lamented on the death of couple of my favourite characters. The plot was pretty straight forward.

Gong Yoo as Seok-woo
Seok-woo (Gong Yoo) a workaholic dad failed to attend his little girl’s recital in school and to make up to her gifted the kid the same stuff he gave her the year before. To again make up to her for forgetting he gave her little girl the same gift during her last birthday, he instead granted her wish to take a train bound to Busan to see her ex-wife, the mother of Soo-an (Kim Su). Before the train left for Busan, an infected girl sneaked at the train, bit one of the employees and one thing led to another, for all I knew almost everyone turned into a zombie. Seok-woo and his daughter Soo-an met Sang-hwa  and  Jin-hee (who happened to be pregnant) after they fled from the rest of the zombie passengers. They became friends although it did not go well at first because Seok-woo almost had a fit with Sang-hwa after he almost got the couple killed for closing one of the train doors whilst they were being chased by zombies. Of course there was one annoying character as always in every horror or zombie movie, the selfish CEO Yon-suk who caused Sang-hwa’s death and many others. I thought at first everything would go well after Seok-woo, Jin-hee and Soo-an boarded another train and escaped the swarm of zombies (but what do we know right ?) because Yon-suk was on the train as well, infected and bit Seok-woo which caused him to jump off the train since he’s turned into a zombie too. I was like what the hell? He’s turned into my fave character just to be dismissed in the end? Arrrgh. I was disappointed really because I thought at the least the three of them would survive but like I said the movie ended differently possibly to veer away from mediocrity. 

Train To Busan is of course a must see. I was thrilled and enjoyed it but I wasn’t happy with the way it ended because a pregnant woman lost a husband and a little girl lost his father and yeah t’was very tragic. Nevertheless, It was really heart racing and yeah Gong Yoo was hot, I couldn’t agree more. Oh btw, this flick isn't something for the faint hearted.


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