I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Monday, February 13, 2017

Don't Judge The Book

Jagger at four months old. He loves the front door
so much.
My sister and I decided to take Jagger, our Dad’s dog for a walk this morning just around the village since we kind of noticed he’s turning limp lately probably due to lack of exercise which is really bad for dog his breed. Jagger just celebrated his one year with us last November and he’s grown surprisingly big which is not supposedly a wonder since German Shepherds seems to have growth spurt, one day they’re cute and tiny then the next few months they turn into giants.

My Dad and my other sister bought Jagger from a local pet shop inside the mall when he was just a four month old puppy (he's now one year and two months old) in lieu of our ten year old GSD Brandon who passed away few days after Christmas back in 2015 which I also wrote about here on my blog. They were just supposed to have a look at Jagger and not bring him home but his sappy character melted their hearts so they ended up buying him instead. We were heart broken with Brandon's demise so we told our Dad many times to not anymore own a big dog as it’s no joke to care for one. Brandon was really special to my Dad, he even enrolled him to a canine academy to train him and even had a certificate for finishing the course when he was few years old. A canine academy is a training school/ground for future bomb sniffing dogs or police dogs basically. I know how silly it may sound but yes GSDs are highly specialized dogs being trained for such purpose. Brandon was entirely different from Jagger because he went to a canine school: he was disciplined and doesn't hate cats, does not bark for no reason nor eat anything thrown at him by strangers other than his owners and he could care less about any feline passing by our house, Jagger was the opposite. During Jagger's first few months with us we wondered eventually how come we never heard him bark until one fine day he did so our worries dissipated afterwards. It was our first time to have a GSD puppy as well because Brandon was about seven months old when he joined our family. 

Jagger the GSD, he's turning
two this year. I took this photo
of him inches away from
my face 😂
He sounds like a trombone every time
he howls 🎺
Anyways, going back, while walking Jagger, this couple turned up and I saw how alarmed the woman looked after she saw Jagger from afar which I totally understand since many people have this german-shepherds-will-always-bite impression every time they see one big of a dog like ours. Totally scared to her wits, the woman asked does it bite? (pertaining to Jagger) before she went ahead and pave her way which of course we said no. Jagger isn't really interested with humans to be honest and he's too kind for a GSD.

My sister and I have been talking why such stereotype is attached to dogs his breed that they either will bite, maul/tear you apart, attack people while in fact, with proper training, GSDs aren’t really vicious but are highly intelligent dogs and won't hurt anyone unless they are provoked or sense any threat. When Brandon was still alive, never was I've seen him attack any of our other dogs at home. I know, I know, it’s not easy to not get scared of pit bulls neither so I guess it also applies to huge dogs like German Shepherds.

Jagger’s crime so far? He’s dug up and eaten some of our house plants, chewed on a front yard wall outlet (the plastic part) and my niece’s bike (one of the pedals) but we love him dearly no matter how he love food like crazy and seemed possessed come eating time. I’m just hoping that someday, people will eradicate these common misconceptions that GSDs do not do anything but attack people and bite whilst they can even serve the army and happened to be a very reliable house pet to guard your homes. They just cannot stay put though because they are curious dogs and love to learn, think thus gets easily bored when they’re stagnant. 

Much ado about nothing..

Breakfast of Champions 🤘🏽
Moving on, I had rolled oats with apple chunks, raisins and blueberry syrup for breakfast which I totally enjoy because I don’t crave for food that much whenever I eat oats in the morning.

Selecta's new ice cream
sandwich is oh so good 🍦
By the way, let me also just share how I love Selecta's new ice cream sandwich in chocolate vanilla as it reminds of Orchard road in Singapore where they sell those cool treats for 1-2 SGD each. Actually they sell them everywhere in Singapore ‘cuz I also found their stalls in botanical gardens and parks. Why do I keep on talking about Singapore lately? I guess I miss their chicken rice and Makansutra’s Aglio Oglio. Maybe I’m homesick to a place I don’t know where. 


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