I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Isn't It Strange?

I am quite perplexed with the weather lately because it's been raining a lot considering it's summertime. I mean yeah, what's up with that right? 

Stranger Things
I just finished watching the two full seasons of Stranger Things and boy I was stoked. I watched the first season while everyone else is already squeamish to see season 3 so imagine how behind I was. I did not like it at first because I thought it's meant to be viewed by a different age group/audience that's why until I decided to give it another whirl due to my never ending curiosity as to why everybody else seems to be raving about it. I watched it for a good (uninterrupted) couple of days with headphones on lol. 

The very first episode was interesting enough especially with the sudden disappearance of Will Byers, a boy from a small town in Indiana called Hawkins which has a very low crime rate. As per the first episode you will definitely assume that Will was kidnapped by an alien since there's no better way to describe the creature that took him. To summarize Season 1, creatures from what is believed to be as the 'upside down' (a dystopian version of our world/parallel universe except it's inhabited by actual monsters) must've had accessed to our world accidentally as a result of an experiment gone awry inside a government owned laboratory/facility in Hawkins. Will was trapped pretty much the entire first season in the 'upside down' and was only freed after her mother Joyce and chief of police Hopper rescued him. BUT S1 did end with a cliffhanger though. Eleven, Millie Bobby Brown's character  escaped from the facility, born with superpowers, appeared out of nowhere and joined forces with Dustin, Michael and Lucas in search of their friend Will. I will not spill all the beans of course if you haven't seen Stranger Things yet lol. It was very exciting is all I can say if you haven't seen it yet. I think the government is trying to use Eleven to spy on Russian enemies, to see what they're plotting against the U.S like a form of warfare or something. 

The second season just an fyi is a lot more exciting of course. Will's body was occupied by a parasite which he acquired from the 'upside down.' The Demogorgons chased Mike and the gang, Dustin owned one of them and named it Darth (most likely named after Darth Vader) etcetera. Yeah, I can't wait for S3. 

Couple more series I'm waiting for, Game of Thrones of course and Santa Clarita Diet. If you have nothing to do go start your Netflix and HBO series marathon and watch Game of Thrones (Seasons 1-7) S8 or the Finale isn't due until next year; Stranger Things (Seasons 1&2) I heard S3 will be November this year and if you just wanna laugh your heart out go watch Santa Clarita Diet S1-S2 which is another Netflix comedy series worth checking which stars Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant, they're such a good tandem. And oh, let's not forget The Good Doctor as well. I've marathoned The Black Mirror and I was fascinated with it although I wasn't really crazy over some of the episodes unlike the other series I mentioned. 

Food Photography
I stepped up my game and created an Instagram account for my food photos since my posts about food have been flooding my personal account lately. So, I thought of sharing them to the rest of the IG world by making it public for other foodies to appreciate. If you're into moody/dark food photography you may check it out on Instagram _finnythefoodie_ and it will showcase my home-baked food items, breakfast meals etc. I was inspired by other Instagrammers who take really awesome moody food photos and thought why not make my own except I won't be using any fancy camera, just my iphone with aid from photo editing apps like Snapseed, Adobe Lightroom & Werble. I was really surprised with how astounding the results were considering the very minimal tools/apps nowadays anyone is able to make rad photos. 


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