I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A Movie A Day Keeps Boredom Away

Rainy days makes me stagnant. The cold season can be tolerable but not the rainy days cuz it's such a pain going to work in business clothes and all geez. My workplace won't declare dress down unless there's a typhoon or it's a holiday. how flaky isn't it? anyways, i work to travel so i'll suit myself with e-books, coffee and dvd marathon with this kind of weather rather than fret ahehe.

movies i watched recently..

• Frozen (Animation) •

Siblings Elsa and Anna were very close as kids. Elsa was born with magic powers which make her turn things to ice whenever she permits. Her isolation from the world began when she almost killed her sister Anna by accidentally striking her ice power to her sister which almost froze her heart. She withdrew from the world and avoided contact with her family again by locking herself in her room until one day tragedy came, their parents died at sea because their ship capsized.

Elsa's power grew stronger as she gets older and was only forced to get out of her room one day because kingdom Arendelle will need a ruler due to the death of her parents. Elsa was coronated as Arendelle's Queen despite her hesitations because nobody knew about her powers except her family. 

And then, all hell broke loose because Elsa fume mad after Anna announced that she will marry the Prince she recently met. Elsa, because of too much anger, accidentally used her power inspite of her repression which eventually scared the people out of their wits. She retreated to the mountains and created her own ice palace. 

Anna, scared her sister might harm herself, made her own quest to look for Elsa. She then met mountain man Kristoff and his raindeer Sven. The two headed off to the mountains to ask Elsa to come back then met Olaf the snowman, literally. Elsa refused profusely. 

The prince with whom Anna fell in love with turned out to be a power greedy person and is looking to be a King himself thus lure the innocent Anna afterwards tricked her so he could oust the sisters from their own castle. 

Anna, again, accidentally struck by Elsa's electric ice power turned her life again in serious danger because she was eventually struck at the heart thus Kristoff asked helped from her stone gnome family (or something) but it was too late. 

Anna turned to ice but she was revived because it was found that Elsa's love for her sister is the strongest power that will set her free. 

Happy ending. Anna and Elsa's good relationship came back and Elsa had ample control of her ice power again for good. Anna and Kristoff ended up together.

The greedy prince turned to ice and Olaf was given his own ice cloud so he won't melt even under the sun. 

It's a really nice flick because of the beautiful ice stuff and sleek clothes Elsa wore and of course let's not forget the infamous 'let it go' OST sung by Demi Lovato. 

I knew why the kiddos loved it thus the spawn of both authentic and imitation versions of the Frozen dolls Elsa and Anna. 

I was just hoping the movie could've explained how Elsa got her ice power but nevertheless it was nice and truly for young and adult alike. 

• Percy Jackson, Sea of Monsters (Fantasy) •

Here's  a quick run down of the characters: 

* Percy - son of poseidon
* Annabeth & Grover - Percy's demiGod friends

• Luke - the Nemesis; 

• Tyron - Cyclops, half brother of Percy

• Clarisse - assigned a quest to search for golden fleece

• Laistrygonian Giants - entered camp Half Blood and killed Thalia's Tree

• Chiron - fired; suspected of poisoning thalias tree

• Thalia - died after being thrown by giants and became a tree.

I love Percy Jackson flicks, it's always as interesting as the rest. 

The movie started with the introduction of Thalia's Tree and how the invisible wall came about. 

Laistrygonian Giants chased Percy and friends but Thalia asked Percy and company to go back to Camp Half Blood while she distract the giants. She got unlucky and was killed by the giants to Annabeth's grief and saw that a Cyclop killed Thalia. 

Thalia grew into a purposeful tree and the invisible wall that's attached to it came about protecting Camp Half Blood thereon. 

Present day - The camp was attacked by a steam punk looking bull brought about by Luke then damaged it's invisible wall which made the entire camp half blood exposed to ample danger.

Chifron was fired after having suspected of poisoning Thalia's tree since he's good with potions. A quest was organized to find the Golden Fleece. The Fleece is the only way to revive Thalia's Tree thus restore the invisible wall. 

Clarisse was sent for a quest but Percy and friends went out of the camp to help find the fleece discreetly. 

Oh by the way, Percy met his Cyclop half brother Tyron to his surprise. Annabeth wasn't happy with Tyron because a Cyclop killed her pal Thalia. Tyron joined in the three Percy, Annabeth and Grover to find the Golden Fleece despite Annabeth's disapproval.

This is too long for words but inspite the adventures and misadventures of Percy and friends alongside Clarisse (because they eventually crossed paths) they were able to successfully find the fleece from a Cyclop and Grover was kidnapped along the way. Annabeth also died but the fleece revived her and so as Thalia's Tree. Luke paid for his wrong doings and the invisible wall came to life and so as Thalia surprisingly because of the Fleece's very strong power.

I enjoyed the movie seriously because I am a fan of underworld stuff and anything out of the ordinary. I can't wait for another sequel. 

• Wishing Stairs (Korean Horror w/ English Subtitles) •

Rumor has it that if you climb the school dormintory's 28 steps and count outloud a 29th step will emerge and your wish will come true. 

I forgot the name of the characters but girl #1 is friends with girl #2. The two are ballet classmates but girl#2 is rich and exceptionally better than girl #1. Girl #1 is envious of her friend so she wished that her friend disappears so she could compete at the ballet competition and become famous. She accidentally pushed her friend at the stairs and broke her leg thus prevented her from joining the competition. 

Her friend unusually died after the accident and became a ghost but became an avenging ghost and eventually killed her in the end. 

I love asian horror flicks because of the oddities with their plot and they don't aim to be hollywood-ish. 

• Now You See Me (Suspense) • 

This movie is exciting because of the endless turn of events. 
Group of magicians were summoned to work for a bigtime unnamed Boss. Their task is to perform magic for a tv show which was deemed to become very famous. They pick up random studio audiences and then dazzle   all studio audiences with cash pretending the studio audience teleports to a bank's vault then embellish money from it. The show eventually exposed bigtime fraudulent businessmen and began giving back the money they technically owe the poor people. 

The FBI was alarmed due to reports of robbery and began their hunt for the four magicians. Until a former magician became the FBI's asset exposing how the tricks were made by the group. He's like a mad scientist sort of. 

The four were never caught and the mad scientist went to prison because stashed cash were found in his car. 

The FBI agent eventually was the mysterious boss and used to be a magician himself but since his childhood aimed to combat the illegalities done by rich tycoons to the helpless people. 

At first my sister and I was hesitant to even bother watching it because we thought it wouldn't be appealling to our taste but whaddaheck it turned out very interesting and the most unexpected character happened to be the culprit.

• Pagpag, Anim na Buhay (Horror) •

Derived from this Filipino superstition that a person should never come straight home from a wake because evil spirits might tag along. 

Cedric and friends drop by a stranger's wake  and disregarded each and every superstition they were told after coming from the wake. Strange this began to happen which eventually took the lives of Cedric's friends. 

Leni, the funeral organizer already came across Cedric because he was nearly hit by the later while driving along the marketplace. The two tried to decipher the mystery behind  Cedric's friends death and found that their lives are also in danger. 

It was found that the wake that Cedric and company went to was that of a man who made a pact with the devil. The man asked for the devil to spare his son from drying but he died eventually and must take nine lives so he will arise from the dead.

The two discovered that the 9 lives is deemed to be taken as an offering to the devil including theirs. They also found that Leni's younger brother was the son of the man who's wake she organized. 

Cedric and Leni survived because their lives was spared from the avengeful spirit due to the holy water they took which eventually vanquished the demon spirit on time. 

I think the flick's title and dvd sleeve  is much more promising than the movie itself. I know I may be harsh maybe it's cuz am not a fan of mainstream movies. 

• The Host (SciFi) • 

Reading Stephanie Meyer books is one of my guilty pleasures so with all fairness I can say that the movie  did the novel some justice and I can say that the actress theu picked is quite a match for Wanda. It was boring at first as it is with the book cuz the excitement is during the later part. If you wanna know more about the movie go check out my blog review about the book. Just use the search feature right here in my blog.

The movie though is kind of arbitrary because it pays to read the book first or if you're not willing to don't worry they did not use much of the technical terms found in the book. This flick is not for everyone though.

• No Other Woman (Drama; Tagalog) • 

I know I know it's been ages since it hit the local cinemas but what the heck I still watched it despite my not so fondness with melodramas. I can say that this movie spawned all the teledramas and other movies about infidelity and stuff but don't judge it because the cat fights in the movie is all worth your time watching it. I mean it was partly hilarious because of how the two actresses threw their dialogues at each other (Christine Reyes and Anne Curtis) considering that infidelity and extra marital affairs is a serious issue  They seriously gained my respect because of this movie. 

What I liked about the movie is the moral of it-- that mistake is part of life but don't go on living making one mistake after another. The movie basically did not deny the fact that extra marital affairs do exist but 
one should learn from it and respect the sacrilege of marriage. I just hope that this movie made people realize the weight and consequences of infidelity.

• Edgar Allan Poe's RAVEN (Suspense) •

 I hate this movie. Honestly, It's like an amateur film of some sort made by low budget film outfits especially made for school projects. It DID NOT make any sense at all and by the way don't mistake it from the hollywood movie of similar title.

I never thought it was promising even from the start (although kudos to whoever made the dvd sleeve) when I saw the cadaver looking (alledged) Edgar Allan Poe writing and narrating at the same time. Unfortunately, I can't find any cd cover for this one over the world wide wed for some reason.

This is how the story goes: The little orphan girl started to have fondness with Poe's literary works. She grew up with her grandfather who eventually died as well. She was raped as an adult,  a musical career yet she's broken. She killed the man who raped her by electricuting him in the bath tub  using a hair dryer. The man rose from the dead and began killing and burying people. She was later on stabbed to death as well and she lived with Poe in the afterlife. The End.

This movie wasted my time. I shoul've eaten ice cream and watch a Korean Soap on TV. Damn. If you see this movie at the local movie rental shop in your area go find something else because I assure you it's not worth your money other than seeing half naked women it's really a waste watching it. Seriously.

That's all folks for now! I'll add some more when i'm bored :)


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