Thursday, September 24, 2015

Snap On

Fresh Dalandan Juice.
My very own chocolate crepe sprinkled with
powdered sugar, dash with evap.

My fave, Ube Mooncake! 
It's cheaper if bought 
from Binondo though! 
I love food photography because you don't have be all dolled up for a photo shoot. All you have to have is a point and shoot camera, a photo editor with good filters (i use vsco cam), whatever food you have on your plate that looks delectable, your artistic side and you could shoot instantaneously.

However, it is also hard at the same time to pull off a good food shot (in my opinion) because you also have to make it look classy otherwise it won't look convincing.

Food is just one of the many subjects that interest me other than nature and places.

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Saturday, September 12, 2015


Finally done with my ten hour/two day driving course. What a relief really because five hours a day seemed like ten gruelling hours since I had to squish all information (mental and hands on) in just five hours. Yeah, call it crazy but that's what rush courses are all about.

I seriously forgot everything that I knew about driving the moment I placed my hands on the steering wheel, clueless like I never studied driving in the past at all. I stepped on the accelerator and brake like I'm lost in cyberspace or something even if there was like a couple of hour briefing about the engine, use of gauge, tires etc. I spaced out because I was kind of excited since it's my first time using an automatic car, it felt like driving a bump car. My only concern was, my mind was fixed that I will be driving a small car which was supposedly a Hyundai Accent, all of a sudden it turned out to be a big body pick up car, a Toyota Hilux. For someone who hasn't driven a car for ages it wasn't as easy because it is not 'chicken' to maneuver a humongous car for someone like me with a miniscule frame. I was technically a beginner all over.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed those couple of days because it was a brand new experience for me again and like I always tell myself "learning never stops until your last bugle calls for taps." I like learning new things, it excites me. I think I need more practice, tons of it actually because when you're new to something there's room for so many errors which will hone you to be better.

B.L.O.W.F.A.T.C.H, I think I have to keep this in mind for the rest of my driving life before I hit the road.

B - battery, brake, belt
L - lights, leaks, license
O - oil
W - water, wash, wiper
F - fuse, fuel, filter, fluids
A - accessories
T - tires, tools
C - cleanliness, car registration
H - horns, hose

On the side, I made this egg-less red almond cupcake today with blue frosting (amalgamation of butter and confectioner's sugar ). We actually ran out of eggs at home that's why.

So, in lieu of eggs I used the following:

**1 egg equivalent**

1 and 1/2 Tbsp. Vegetable Oil
1 and 1/2 Tbsp. Water
1 Tsp. Baking Powder

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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Hail to the Queen

Today is Mama Mary's birthday. I actually almost forgot about it hadn't for social media feeds i've been liking and skimming through since this morning. I'm sooo not good with dates and days that's why I keep tabs of everything through my S Note and Tita Witty's The "Relax, Puso Lang 'Yan, Malayo sa Bituka" Planner. As soon as I realized that it is Mama Mary's b-day indeed, I scoured Pinterest for Marian photos so I could share it on Instagram and I eventually found tons of them.

I made some bloody lime drink today which
I coined a term for 'vampire lime-o-nade.'
My Mom is a Marian devotee let me tell you first, that, no matter where we live we must have Mother Mary's statue adorning any of our houses (although not to the extent that our house has more than two Marian statue).

I remember during the 1994 earthquake I was in elementary back then (and thank God already home after school) when it happened so my sisters and I scurried downstairs as per our Mom's instruction and went out of the house. After the 7 magnitude quake my mom checked everything inside the house for any damage and was surprised to learn that our Mama Mary was in one piece although on the verge of falling, it was as if she tried to hang on and commanded the quake stop to prevent further mortality.

I want to drive again...
Mom also introduced me and my other siblings to Mother of Perpetual Help, she said that she listens to your woes and helps those in dire need which I personally believe is true even up to now. Faith and prayers can make miracles come true though.

I waited 2 hours at LTO for
 this, I thought there's no
noon break? 
Since my Mom is already gone, I told myself that I may have lost my mother physically but I now have two spiritual mothers, my Mom who's now in heaven and the mother of the entire universe, Mother Mary.

Happy Birthday to everyone's mother, Mama Mary! Hail to the queen.

Not so busy bee...

Not so busy lately so I decided to finally push my long overdue plan which is to go back driving which I haven't been in ages. I went to LTO yesterday and got my student driver's permit which now cost Php317.63 from less than a hundred many years back. Thank god for the advent of automatic cars that I no longer need to endure driving manual cars like I used to years ago.

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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Artsy iT is

Now we've reached the last quarter of the year, it's finally September yey! What have I gotten myself to lately? Hmm.. quit my job, went back to baking, got busy with a lot of diy (do it yourself) projects etc.

Speaking of DIY projects, my sissy and I just finished our photo album/scrapbook project. We had our pictures printed from our Birthday trip in HK, bought some more magazines for the cut outs and made our washi tapes useful as well. I just love projects that enforces me to be creative thus kills boredom.
If you're a newbie with scrap-booking, for a start, go get a scrapbook from any bookstore that sells school supplies, have your pictures printed in 2R sizes, magazines with tons to cut out (I personally recommend back issues of Candy Magazine which you could buy for Php30 a piece from any Book Sale Outlet or any colorful teen magazines out there will do), scissors, double sided tape for the pictures, those cute washi tapes, paper tape for the cut outs (for that 3D effect once you paste those cut outs to your scrapbook), a sharpie pen (optional, if you need to write dates or put description or anything to your pictures),  and walah you're good to go.

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