I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Kung Hei Fat Choi '18

photo from google images
I have been busy with life and re-arranging fixtures at home for Feng Shui reasons. Kung Hei Fat Choi by the way since Chinese New Year just happened few days ago. It’s just odd to celebrate the new year twice in a  year although I have no problem with that since I love Tikoy or what is known to be as year cake/Chinese New Year’s cake. It is actually called Nian Gao in Chinese which means — “Nian” as Sticky, “Gao” as cake. I usually dip it in egg and fry it after slicing the whole cake into tiny squares. It’s definitely a winner if you eat it whilst it’s still warm. 

Moving on, I had some blood work done and 2D Echo as per my doctor’s recommendation since I need to have my blood checked at least once in year or whenever I feel something out of the ordinary. If you have read my previous blogs, I had RAI (radioactive iodine) for my thyroid back in 2014 due to Hyperthyroidism and after treatment I became a Hypothyroid which is the expected outcome post RAI. Anyways, I complained about restlessness even if I’ve been medicating for years so my doctor advised to have my cholesterol level checked (blood chem), FT4 TSH (a blood test required for thyroid patients which would determine if you need to have your thyroid medicine adjusted) and the result said my cholesterol level was alright and was just 2 points over the normal level (probably because I have been a bit lazy exercising lately) but it wasn’t really something that work out coupled with proper diet can't change so my doctor had to look at my 2D Echo result and that eventually isolated the problem. 

Please be careful with my heart 😁♥️
2D Echo is like an ultrasound for the heart to simply put, a cold gel is applied to your chest to check your heart’s every nook and cranny. The 2D Echo result was fast because it only took 24 hours (from the usual 2-3 days) that’s why I was able to schedule a follow-up check up with my doctor that same afternoon. Looking at the result from my own perspective everything appeared to be normal until my doctor read through it and told me that I have a congenital, although not really alarming heart condition (or should I say activity?). The 2DE result mentioned something about a tricuspid mitral regurgitation which means that blood is leaking to my heart’s right atrium in my understanding. Normally, the blood flow in the heart should only go upwards and shouldn’t flow back down which is what's happening in my case. My elder sister who was with me during my check up with the doctor eventually also has the same condition except she’s having a hard time breathing most of the time since childhood and I don’t, I just feel exhausted that’s all which I thought might’ve been related to my being hypothyroid.

To make the long story short, I was advised to veer away from anything caffeinated as it will just aggravate the problem such as coffee, soda (except the colorless one like Sprite/7UP. Do we even have 7UP nowadays? lol), tea (except green tea), even Matcha (which caffeine content can actually equal half the level of a black cup of coffee) and was prescribed to take Bisoprolol only as needed. I asked my doctor out of curiosity if it could lead to heart attack and he told me NO, but, it's still best to have a healthy lifestyle for as much as possible to prevent it from getting worse of course.

So far Bisoprolol is working for me although it works best if I take my vitamins everyday and the one that I take is called Vitagin which (as per Google) is good for physical stamina, mineral-related poor nutrition, inflammation, improve memory, physiological stress, nutritional deficiency and other conditions. So, better consult a doctor if there’s something about your health that's bothering you because a simple fatigue can be fatal. It can also be a possible symptom for an underlying medical condition which you never thought or knew you have.

Time for some DIY Project...
Crescent Moon Dreamcatcher

Sometimes, I just feel like being crafty but is too lazy to go out to buy materials so I just suit myself with whatever I have in my crafting supplies. I have been yearning to re-purpose an old dreamcatcher I made couple of years back since it's already pretty worn out/has collected dust since I hang it outside my door. However, I don't know where to find a new hoop so I instead decided to make a crescent moon dreamcatcher out of it. I was inspired by one of my favorite Youtuber & Instagrammer named Audrie Storme that’s why I decided to make this project. Please refer to her YT video below if you want to make your own diy Crescent Moon Dreamcatcher for the step by step process. I love the way she edits her videos by the way, very moody. I think she’s a very creative soul. 👍🏼 

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