I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Friday, July 3, 2015

Diplomat Hotel

The clock is ticking and I'm counting the days until my last day at work. I can't wait to leave and explore the world out there again. It felt like I have been on hiatus for such a long period of time. I need to recover from this slumber I put myself into.

Anyways, my sissy and I went for a morning walk/jog at the Grotto this morning since our other sister dropped us off to our flat a little early than usual because of the number coding scheme. If you may be wondering, the Philippine government implemented this whole number coding scheme for vehicles hoping to alleviate the getting worse almost lifelong heavy traffic jams.

Dominican retreat house,
under renovation
Going back, we decided to stroll the Grotto, offered prayers and lighted candles like we always do every time we go up there. I once told my sister that the Chapel is now finished so she decided to check it out as well.

After our walk at the Grotto I told my sister to check out the souvenir shop nearby and by random she asked if I want to visit the infamous and known to be haunted Diplomat Hotel also in Dominican Hill which is just few walks away from the Grotto. Of course I said yes since I haven't been there since we moved here up north. It was also a perfect time since we already went to the chapel we thought we were already blessed so If there's anything sinister about the so called haunted place then we may ward them all off hehe.

The hotel is not so far from Lourdes Grotto.We exited at the Grotto's paid parking space and walked our way up to Diplomat Hotel.

It didn't looked creepy at all to me probably it's cuz it is daytime but I still did the sign of the cross because people might've died there. I honestly do not know the history of the hotel but a place won't be haunted if nobody died there first off. We were asked by the guard to write our names on their log book which we did I guess for visitor tracking purposes. I thought the old hotel was quite small and doesn't offer much that's why there's no entrance fee.

I love taking photos there though. The place looked rustic and I meant it figuratively. It was a cool and nice place suited for Gothic if not high fashion photo shoots really.

Let me also share that I even saw this gallery showcasing photos of psychic surgery sessions held at the Diplomat Hotel during the old days. Have you heard of those weird, painless and invasive surgeries which made its headline on TV magazine shows back in the 90's? Yes its been around long before. Oh I just love oddities. They make the world interesting.

We passed by the Grotto again on our way home to dust off any evil spirits who might've tagged along. I know It may sound lunatic weird but better safe than sorry lol. Had some strawberry taho for some dose of sugar.


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