I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Sunday, June 5, 2016


some of my favorite actors...
I don’t have that many favorite actors and If I do, they must be good. I have watched movies of Alicia Vikander, Rooney Mara, Eddie Redmayne, Tom Sturridge and they have a lot of good movies. The first time I saw Mia Wasikowska was in the movie Stoker and boy she was cool and creepy. She exude this eccentric and mysterious aura which reminds me of Wynona Rider during her Beetlejuice days. Mia’s chalk white complexion and slim physique makes her a good pick for 18th-19th century dark and sinister themed movies. I think she could pass for a high fashion model too because I’ve seen her sport just about any thing yet still look good say in the flick Restless, she sported those oversized clothes and pixie haircut but hey she rocked it. Alright, moving on, here are some of Mia Wasikowska's worth watching movies.

Jane Eyre (2011)
romantic drama
  • Jane Eyre (Mia Wasikowska) - an orphan turned governess, fell in love with his master.
  • Mr. St. John Rivers (Jamie Bell) - a missionary who took Jane into his abode, master of Moor home. 
  • Edward Rochester (Michael Fassbender) - master (of the house) Thornfield Hall

Just a brief summary: The movie is based on a novel by Charlotte Bronte, 1847. 

Jane became an orphan so her Aunt took her in being her lone relative. Her aunt however dislikes her, called her a ‘liar’ and was sent her to an orphanage. Jane had a difficult life and her only friend at the orphanage died.  One day, Jane (now a young lady) was called to work as a governess for a french little girl at the Thornfield Hall. Little did she know, the house is owned by Edward Rochester, whom she met beforehand after the man fell from his horse on her way to post a letter. Mr. Rochester found Jane 'frank' thus grew a strong liking for her. The feeling is mutual thus Jane was heartbroken after one of the governess told her that Mr. Rochester might be engaged to be married soon. 

Jane saved Mr. Rochester’s life couple of times; the first time was when he fell from a horse and the second was when a fire broke out in his house thus he felt Jane might be his soul mate. Jane's been hearing strange noises at night and asked Mr. Rochester about it. He did not acknowledge and told Jane the house is safe. Mr. Rochester asked Jane to marry him, the wedding did not push through. It was revealed Mr. Rochester has a wife who's gone mental and was kept hidden inside one of the rooms for many years. Jane was distraught and ran away. Mr. St. John Rivers, a missionary allowed her to live in his house with his sisters and gave her a teaching job for a living. He asked for her hand in marriage but Jane declined because she’s still madly in love with Mr. Rochester. Jane stumbled into a big fortune after her wealthy Uncle passed away as she’s the only heir. Her aunt kept it from her for three years. Jane went back to Thornfield Hall, found the fire consumed it and left Mr. Rochester blind after he tried to save his wife from jumping off the castle, he failed though. It was a happily ever after though for Jane and his beloved Mr. Rochester. This movie made me appreciate the Victorian era, the fashion, the eccentric feel and of course the not so mediocre love stories. 

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Stoker (2013)
psychological thriller

  • India Stoker (Mia Wasikowska) - only daughter of Richard and Evelyn Stoker
  • Richard (Dermot Mulroney) - mysteriously died from a car accident
  • Evelyn (Nicole Kidman) 
  • Charlie (Matthew Goode) - Richard’s brother

India is close to her father (Richard) and taught her how to use a gun for hunting purposes. When her father died from a car accident, her mother (Evelyn) was like a stranger to her and wouldn't even allow Evelyn to touch her. After Richard’s untimely demise, Charlie, his brother went to stay with India and Evelyn. India felt suspicious with Charlie and one time saw him arguing with her nanny. During Charlie’s stay with India and Evelyn, rumors started circulating that her mother and Charlie have a relationship. India heared about the rumor from the same guys who’s been picking on her because they found her eccentric. I found India sexually repressed and saw a potential incestuous relationship between her and Charlie. One day India went on rouge and made out with a boy from her school. Things went awry so the boy started assaulting her. Charlie followed India, they killed and buried the boy together. India found out Charlie killed her nanny (she found the body in the freezer down the basement). But, what made India gone (even more) mental was, when she learned that Charlie also killed her Dad and is now wanting to kill Evelyn as well. India murdered Charlie with a shotgun whilst he was choking Evelyn. India, now a free woman, went into a driving spree and killed the cop who started chasing her for over speeding. Oh, Evelyn survived by the way. The End. 

Stoker is more of an art movie to me than a mainstream flick. I just love India’s shoes.

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Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)
vampire film

  • Adam (Tom Hiddleston) - married to Eve for centuries 
  • Eve (Tilda Swinton) - lives in Tangier 
  • Ava (Mia Wasikowska) - Adam’s sister who lives in L.A.

Vampires Adam and Eve (yes, they’re Adam and Eve indeed) have been married for centuries but live apart, Eve in Tangier whilst Adam in Detroit. Adam is sad about the modern world and calls the stupid humans 'zombies.' He spends his vampire life in his crypt/two storey apartment in Detroit making funeral music and collecting rare musical instruments. He became friends with a human named Ian who procures musical instruments for him (rare guitar models etc). He asked Ian to never tell anyone about him and their business deals which the later adhered. One day, Eve flew from Tangier to Detroit to visit Adam and the two reminisce the old days.  Ava crashed into Adam’s apartment and showed interest in his music and of course ration of 'negative O' blood. Ava met Ian when all four of them hang out together one night. However, she bit and killed Ian to Adam’s disgust. Adam and Eve threw Ian’s body to a pool of acid which eventually dissolved his body to oblivion. Adam kicked Ava from his apartment which angered her. Eve took Adam with her to Tangier because they suspect people would be looking for Ian. In Tangier, Eve’s blood supplier, another vampire dies after drinking a contaminated blood. Adam and Eve both famished due to lack of good blood devoured the lovers making out in the street.

Only Lovers Left Alive isn’t mainstream and very satirical which is why I watched it because I’m a sucker for non-commercial films. I love the dirge they played almost the entire film and of course the casts; the Androgynous Tilda Swinton is so apt to play the role of a vampire as always because of her chalk white skin and let me also say that I became a fan of Tom Hiddleston after I saw him in this movie Crimson Peak

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Restless (2011)
romantic comedy, drama

  • Enoch (Henry Hopper) - a funeral crashing guy who has a ghost friend
  • Annabel (Mia Wasikowska) - a cancer patient, Enoch’s love interest
  • Hiroshi Takahashi (Ryō Kase) - Enoch’s ghost Japanese veteran friend, he committed suicide through seppuku/hara-kiri. 
  • Elizabeth Cotton (Schuyler Fisk) - Annabel's older sister

Enoch, an eccentric and out of school teenage boy (who often crash funerals decked in black suit) met Annabel for the first time. Annabel attended her friend’s funeral, saw Enoch and smiled at him. The two became friends after Annabel started joining Enoch in his funeral crashing pre-occupation. Enoch later on found that Annabel loves Charles Darwin and is fascinated with bugs and water birds which made them quite a good match as they’re equally eccentric. Annabel later on disclosed to Enoch she’s got cancer and will only live for three months. The two started dating and Enoch told her about his ghost friend name Hiroshi, a war veteran who killed himself through seppuku. It was later on revealed in the movie that Enoch’s parents died from a car crash and him the lone survivor, went into a coma for three months. The accident left a huge trauma on Enoch so he left school after he beat one of the school kids for mocking his dead parents. Enoch also had phobia riding cars. Annabel passed away soon after and the movie ended with Enoch reminiscing the happy days he spent with Annabel before he say his Eulogy. I love this movie because of Annabel’s positive approach to dying which is kind of unusual to people who only have few months to live. 


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